Migration in the Western Balkans-Rethinking Crisis Narratives final conference

Claudio Minca chaired the plenary session of the MIGREC final conference, "Migration in the Western Balkans - Re-thinking Crisis Narratives." MIGREC is a H2020 project lead by the University of Belgrade, aiming at the development of migration-related research with policy impact in Serbia.

  • Date:

    04 FEBRUARY 2023
  • Event location: Belgrade, Serbia

Claudio Minca and Dragan Umek were invited participants in the international conference "Migration in the Western Balkans - rethinking crisis narratives," coordinated by the Migration, Integration and Governance Research Center (MIGREC) and held at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade from 21-34 February, 2023.  

The moderators, speakers and participants of the conference were academics, experts and researchers in the field of migration from all countries of the Western Balkan region (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Croatia), as well as from other European countries (UK, Greece, Poland, Italy and Turkey). Participants exchanged knowledge, field research experiences and discussed opportunities for future collaborations on issues of common interest. 

On this occasion, beyond the institutional duties of chair and discussant, Claudio and Dragan presented the ERC project 'The GAME: Counter-mapping informal refugee mobilities along the Balkan Route' and the research activities carried out by ERC researchers along the "Balkan Route" with a talk entitled "The Role of Trieste in the Migration Routes towards Europe."