Certifications required

For the students enrolled in one of the University of Bologna's Programme Degrees:


To use the services provided by our office you need to provide the certification attesting a disability under Italian Law 104/92, and/or legal disability or SLD diagnosis under Italian Law 170/2010, or any other specialized documentation attesting to a particular pathology or disorder or special needs.

 In the case of certificates issued abroad, these must be legalised. 


 Legalisation is a procedure by which the legal qualification of the public official who signed an act and the authenticity of their signature are officially certified.


If the country where you are certified is a member of the Hague Convention (1961), instead of requesting legalisation at the Italian Embassy, you must have the documents apostilled by the designated national authority. See the list of relevant authorities for each of the countries.


Please note: legalisation and apostille must enable the authenticity of the documents or certificates to be verified. Legalisation and apostille are linked to the official signature. When they receive the document, the offices of the University of Bologna check not only the presence of the legalisation/Apostille, but also the signature to which it refers, and what the official who signed it has declared in the document.


Legalisation and Apostille signatures are accepted from:

  • a public official, often from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who declares that the signature of the certifier is authentic;
  • a notary, who declares that he has checked the authenticity of the certificate.



Legalisation and Apostille signatures from a notary public or other official declaring that the copy of the qualification/certificate conforms to the original are not accepted.


The legalisation of certifications produced should not be confused with its official translation. 

The certificate of conformity of the translation or the declaration of conformity made by the translator, in the case of sworn translations, are not legalisations.


If you are not yet in Italy, the the translation must be done in the manner established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI).

If you are in Italy, you can obtain a translation at a court by an official translator, who must not be the same person as the title holder (sworn translation).


For Incoming Exchange Students:

You can provide us the documentation issued by the Specialist of your reference; in this case the documentation must be legalized;


you can ask your home University to send us your support agreement\support summary, or the recap of the support and the adaptations you normally use along with a declaration about your diagnosis and the confirmation that they have, or have seen, your documentation.


In both cases, for certificates written in other languages, a sworn translation into English or Italian is also required.