S. Bonduà, V. Bortolotti
TOUGH2Path can compute the pathline of a particle thorough each block of a 3D Voronoi discretized domain using directly the output file of a TOUGH2 (Pruess et al., 1999) simulation and using the Klausen et al. (2012) method. TOUGH2Path is a command line software coded in C++ running under Windows and Linux operative systems (64 bit). It uses a parallel programming approach using OpenMP (Open Multi-Processing) for speed-up computation, and so permitting the contemporaneously computation of a high number of particle paths with a reasonable computation time cost. You can request TOUGH2Path here.
If you plan to use TOUGH2Path, please cite as:
S. Bonduà, V. Bortolotti, A tool for pathline creation using TOUGH simulation results and fully unstructured 3D Voronoi grids, Environmental Modelling & Software, Volume 115, 2019, Pages 63-75, ISSN 1364-8152, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2019.01.017.
For information please contact: stefano.bondua@unibo.it