Recent Publications (Selected)


  • X Pu, A Palermo, A Marzani, Topological edge states of quasiperiodic elastic metasurfaces, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 181, 109478, (link)
  • F Zonzini, V Dertimanis, E Chatzi, L De Marchi, System Identification at the Extreme Edge for Network Load Reduction in Vibration-based Monitoring, IEEE Internet of Things Journal2022, 9.20: 20467-20478. (link)
  • X Pu, A Palermo, A Marzani, A multiple scattering formulation for finite-size flexural metasurfaces, Proceedings of the Royal Society A 478 (2262), 20210669, (Featured on the journal cover) (link)
  • A Palermo, B Yousefzadeh, C Daraio, A Marzani, Rayleigh wave propagation in nonlinear metasurfaces, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 520, 116599, (link)
  • Z Chatzopoulos, A Palermo, S Guenneau, A Marzani, Cloaking strategy for Love waves, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 50, 101564, (link)
  • F Zonzini, D Bogomolov, T Dhamija, N Testoni, L De Marchi, A Marzani, Deep Learning Approaches for Robust Time of Arrival Estimation in Acoustic Emission Monitoring, Sensors 22 (3), 1091, (link)
  • M Mazzotti, M Khazaali, P Bocchini, A Di Lullo, A Marzani, Restrictions and obstructions detection in pipe networks using incomplete and noisy flow and pressure steady‐state measurements, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 29 (1), e2854 (link)


  • Zeighami F., Palermo A., Marzani  A., Rayleigh waves in locally resonant metamaterials, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 106250, (link)
  • Pu X., Palermo A., Marzani A. Lamb's problem for a half-space coupled to a generic distribution of oscillators at the surfaceInternational Journal of Engineering Science, 168,103547

    (link) (available on arxiv).

  • Zonzini F., Zauli M., Mangia M., Testoni N., De Marchi L. Model-assisted Compressed Sensing for Vibration-based Structural Health Monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (link)
  • I Elishakoff, M Amato, A Marzani,Galerkin’s method revisited and corrected in the problem of Jaworski and Dowell, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 155, 107604 (link)


  • Palermo A., Celli P., Yousefzadeh B., Daraio C., Marzani A. Surface wave non-reciprocity via time-modulated metamaterials. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 104181,(link) (available on arxiv)
  • Zonzini F., Malatesta M. M., Bogomolov D., Testoni N., Marzani A., De Marchi, L. Vibration-Based SHM With Upscalable and Low-Cost Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement69(10), 7990-7998. (link)
  • Zonzini F., Girolami A., De Marchi L., Marzani A., Brunelli D. Cluster-Based Vibration Analysis of Structures With GSP. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics68(4), 3465-3474. (link)
  • Kexel C., Testoni N., Zonzini F., Moll J.,De Marchi L. Low-Power MIMO Guided-Wave Communication. IEEE Access8, 217425-217436. (link).
  • Pu X., Palermo A.,  Cheng Z., Shi Z., Marzani A. Seismic metasurfaces on porous layered media: Surface resonators and fluid-solid interaction effects on the propagation of Rayleigh waves. International Journal of Engineering Science, 154,103347 (link)
  • Marzani A., Testoni N., De Marchi L., Messina M., Monaco E., Apicella A., An open database for benchmarking guided waves structural health monitoring algorithms on a composite full-scale outer wing demonstrator. Structural Health Monitoring 19 (5), 1524-1541  (link)
  • A Palermo, A Marzani, A reduced Bloch operator finite element method for fast calculation of elastic complex band structures. International Journal of Solids and Structures 191, 601-613 (link)