
Data from public institutions and research institutions


Parliamentary Commission on Feminicide and on the other forms of gender related violence  

State Police's data:





European Institute for Gender Equality, Femicide: a classification system,  Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2021




Data from Italian regional observatories 


  • Observatory on the phenomenon of violence against women - organismo del Consiglio Regionale della Campania with live streaming data (years 2018 e 2019) section: Femminicidi
  • Regione Emilia-Romagna, Assessorato al Bilancio Riordino istituzionale, Risorse umane e Pari opportunità - This section focuses on the report Femicidi in Italia, drawn up by the team of the Casa delle Donne per Non Subire Violenza of Bologna (Years 2011-2017)
  • Gender Based Violence Observatory - Regione Toscana - X rapporto sulla violenza di genere: it contains data on the total number of femicides that occurred in Tuscany in the period 2006-2017. 

Focus on the main European countries 






United Kingdom

Some examples beyond Europe


The bilingual site (English/French)   Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability also gives  interesting analysis on policies.  

A very interesting site  is  the bilingual (English/Hebrew)  Israeli Observatory on Femicide, with data, debates, several analytical contributions and news.