A review of social communication campaigns focusing on feminicide and fighting violence against women
#lapartitaitutti - Communication campaign of the Italian Government for the International Day against the Violence on Women (November 25th, 2018)
Communication campaign realized in collaboration with the national TV RAI. The Italian female volleyball players are the protagonists of the spot video. There are two particular testimonials: Paola Egonu and Cristina Chirichella. The claim is "parity of all". It insists on the importance to collaborate like a team in the daily struggle to the contrast of the violence in any form.
It is not normal that it is normal - Communication campaign of the Italian Chamber of the Deputies (November 25th, 2018)
The campaign has been launched beginning from the video in which the Vice- President of the Chamber of the Deputies, Mara Carfagna, followed by numerous famous people from the show business, the sport and the culture, invites all people to post video and images on the own social network profiles to spread an unanimous message of contrast to the violence.
In these images they appear making himself a sign with a red lipstick under the eye, a definite sign againts the violence. One of the objectives is that to give voice to whom doesn't have voice. All the immages are accompanied by the hashtah #nonènormalechesianormale
"If they strike one, they strike all" - Real Time and Actionaid Campaign (November 25th, 2018)
On International Day against the violence on the women Real Time TV has replaced promo and spot streaming testimonies of women victims of violence. In every video different actresses tell histories of violence drawn by real testimonies.
Project partner is ActionAid.
UNiTE - Communication campaign against violence on womes - ONU (2017)
An international campaign to underline as the violence on the women represents a real form of violation of the human rights. A project that insists a lot on the theme "nobody behind", nobody must be left behind. A series of initiatives from November 25th to December 10th (International Day of Human Rights): 16 days to sensitize and to put an end to the violence against women and girls, beginning from those more fragile and vulnerable: refugees, migrants, minorities, native people and populations struck by conflicts and natural disasters.
Commuication campaign of the Department of the Equal Opportunities - Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Spot video, materials, public initiatives to combat the violence against women in all of its forms: from stalking to femicide.
#questononèamore - Communication campaign against violence on women (2016), Italian Ministero degli Interni
A camper of the State Police on tour through 14 italian cities: Sondrio, Brescia, Bologna, Arezzo, Macerata, Roma, L'Aquila, Pescara, Matera, Campobasso, Cosenza, Palermo, Siracusa e Sassari. The camper has been in these cities the first one and the third Saturday of the month. A place of listening with a team of specialized operators.