The project, coordinated by the University of Bologna, is organized into 6 interconnected Work Packages (WPs):
Led by UNIBO, this WP will cover the project management and coordination activities(meetings, coordination, project monitoring and evaluation, financial management, progress reports, etc.) and all the cross-cutting activities and therefore difficult to assign to just one specific work package.
WP leader: Massimo Ponti
Led by PROAMBIENTE, this WP will provide the baseline knowledge needed to design and build the basal limestone reef (WP3), design and implement the biogenic reefs (WP4), and comparatively assess the project results and objective achievements through habitat and biodiversity monitoring. UNIBO will provide capacities and personnel for geological, biological, and topographic surveys, including the scientific diving team. This WP will provide for key performance indicators (KPIs) assessment.
WP leader: Fabrizio Del Bianco
Deliverable 2.1 Baseline report
Del Bianco, F., Avellini, G., Marucci, F., Costantini, F., Pezzolesi, L., Silvestri, S., Giambastiani, B. M. S., Guerrini, F., Turicchia, E., Franchini, M., Carlini, C., Manfredini, E., Chippari, F., Archetti, R., Guerrero, M., Gaeta, M. G., Casadei, I., Zanutta, A., Girelli, V. A., … Ponti, M. (2024). Baseline report. Deliverable 2.1 of the LIFE NatuReef project: Nature-based reef solution for coastal protection and marine biodiversity enhancement. LIFE22-NAT-IT-LIFE-NatuReef/101113742. Zenodo.
Deliverable 2.5 Extract of the project data from the LIFE KPI webtool
Ponti, M. (2024). Extract of the project data from the LIFE KPI webtool. Deliverable 2.5 of the LIFE NatuReef project: Nature-based reef solution for coastal protection and marine biodiversity enhancement [Data set]. Zenodo.
Led by RAVENNA, this WP will provide for the design and construction of the basal limestone reef over which the biogenic reefs will be implemented (WP4). The design of the structure will be carried out by UNIBO’s team of hydraulic engineers and geologists, who have a long experience in the design of coastal defense structures and control of sedimentary regimes. The installation of the work will be managed by the public works sector of the municipality of RAVENNA.
WP leaders: Stefano Ravaioli & Renata Archetti
Led by UNIBO, this WP will provide for the design and implementation of the biogenic reefs made of native oysters and sabellariid worms over and near the basal limestone reef (WP3), whose outcomes will be monitored by WP2. To this end, UNIBO will provide a team of marine ecologists, biologists, and geologists with a long experience in the study, monitoring, and conservation of coastal marine environments.
WP leader: Eva Turicchia
Deliverable 4.1 Biosecurity Measures Plan
Franchini, M., Costantini, F., Pezzolesi, L., Cavalieri, E., Vezzulli, L., & Ponti, M. (2024). Biosecurity Measures Plan. Deliverable 4.1 of the LIFE NatuReef project: Nature-based reef solution for coastal protection and marine biodiversity enhancement. LIFE22-NAT-IT-LIFE-NatuReef/101113742. Zenodo.
Deliverable 4.2 Oyster supply and storing plan
Turicchia, E., Giovanardi, O., & Ponti, M. (2024). Oyster supply and storing plan. Deliverable 4.2 of the LIFE NatuReef project: Nature-based reef solution for coastal protection and marine biodiversity enhancement. LIFE22-NAT-IT-LIFE-NatuReef/101113742. Zenodo.
Led by FLAMINIA, this WP will provide for a wide range of dissemination and communication activities from local to international audiences, as well as the engagement of all possible stakeholders. It will also provide for community-based monitoring to involve people through citizen science initiatives and complement the professional habitat and biodiversity monitoring throughout the project life span and beyond. UNIBO will supervise field activities by providing biologists and geologists, including the scientific diving team. To this end, it will make use of close collaboration with the DELTA_PO park and with the associated partner RCI, a nongovernmental organization for the monitoring and conservation of coastal marine habitats in the Mediterranean Sea. Moreover, local bird-watching organizations, already collaborating with DELTA_PO, will be involved.
WP leaders: Sabrina Mascia & Elisa Bonaccorso
Deliverable 5.1: Communication and Dissemination Plan
Bonaccorso E., Ruta G., Bonaccorsi A., & Ponti M. and the communication team (2023). Communication and Dissemination Plan. Deliverable 5.1 of the LIFE NatuReef project: Nature-based reef solution for coastal protection and marine biodiversity enhancement. LIFE22-NAT-IT-LIFE-NatuReef/101113742. Zenodo.
Deliverable 5.2 Dedicated project page on the beneficiaries' website and social network
Bonaccorso E., Ruta G., Bonaccorsi A., Norbiato M., & Ponti M. and the communication team (2023). Dedicated project page on the beneficiaries' website and social network. Deliverable 5.2 of the LIFE NatuReef project: Nature-based reef solution for coastal protection and marine biodiversity enhancement. LIFE22-NAT-IT-LIFE-NatuReef/101113742. Zenodo.
Deliverable 5.8: Memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the surveillance of the oyster reef
Nobili, G., Rizzo, M., Ravaioli, S., Costa, M., & Ponti, M. (2024). La cooperazione delle autorità nella sorveglianza dell'area di ripopolamento (Memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the surveillance of the oyster reef). Deliverable 5.8 of the LIFE NatuReef project: Nature-based reef solution for coastal protection and marine biodiversity enhancement. LIFE22-NAT-IT-LIFE-NatuReef/101113742. Zenodo.
Led by DELTA_PO, this WP will provide an accurate analysis of the financial and ecological project sustainability and its possible replication and exploitation in similar contexts through the Mediterranean Sea. All partners will collaborate with their networks and complementary competencies: UNIBO scientific, FLAMINIA managerial, DELTA PO institutional and nature-conservationist, RAVENNA territorial and political, and RCI in citizen science.
WP leader: Massimiliano Costa