Winter School Teachers LED2023

Monica Palmirani

Monica Palmirani

Monica Palmirani, Full professor of Legal Informatics and IT Law at Bologna University, School of Law, Italy. Graduated in Mathematic, Ph.D. in Legal Informatics and IT Law, teacher of several courses since 2001 on Legal Informatics, eGovernment, Legal drafting techniques, and Legal XML. She is teaching Legal Informatics and IT Law, a module of Data Science for lawyer (2021-2002) at University of Bologna in the Legal Studies programme LLM called Legs, and Open Access and Digital Ethics at Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge Master. In this current semester 2022 she teaches a module of 20 hours of Legal Design in the undergraduate class in Ravenna. She passed for twice the selection of Advanced ERC with a project on the theoretical modelling of Smart Legal Order using AI, Data analytic, Legal Design. She is waiting the result of the interview of ERC committee.

She is member of CIRSFID-AlmaAI, one of the main centers of excellence in Italy and one of the leading centers at the international level for the area of computer science and law. CIRSFID-AlmaAI is part of the larger Alma Mater Research Center for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence that includes 27 departments, among the others Department of legal studies. 

She was project manager and coordinator of more than ten European projects.

She is the Director of Ph.D. International Program “Law, Science and Technology” Erasmus Mundus, now appointed by MSCA-ITN fellowships ( She is coordinator of the eGov module in the Master in the Law of New technologies, Director of the Summer School Legislative XML ( organized by the University of Bologna, Ravenna, with the goal of disseminating the usage of Legal XML in the public agencies, respecting and guaranteeing the legal principles embedded in the legal document form. She leads the group inside of a European legal XML network, she is co-chair of LegalRuleML and LegalDocML OASIS TCs (2012) for modelling the legal knowledge. She is also part of the group of Legal Design White paper of the Authority of Data Protection of Italy.

The principal field of research is in Legislative and Legal Informatics, in particular she is an expert of XML techniques for modelling legal documents both in structure and legal knowledge aspects, including normative rules. She is also dedicated effort to the Data Science and AI techniques applied in the legal drafting, case-law analysis, legal knowledge modelling. She is a member of the AKOMA NTOSO project managed by the UN/DESA, which aims to promote XML standard for e-Parliament in Africa. She has contributed to the ontological aspects of the Legal Knowledge Interchange Format (LKIF-core) and to the formal representation of legal norms in LKIF-Rules. She is member of the RuleML Technical Group, and of OASIS, serving in the LegalXML Member Section. Those annotated legal sources are the basis for applying legal analytics and Machine Learning techniques for improving the semantic annotation. 

She is involved also in eGovernment research fields related to AI, Big Data and Open Government Data, Smart Contract, DTL especially for improving data protection, licensing and transparency at national and international level, she is also the scientific coordinator of the Legal Blockchain Lab. She is involved in the digital citizenship training in the primary and secondary schools, including courses for teachers, parents, students. 

In 2009 she was invited to give a lecture at Stanford University, School of Law, within an initiative promoted by CodeX (Stanford Center for Computers and Law, part of the Stanford Research Program in Law, Science and Technology), in 2009 she was a visiting professor at NICTA – Brisbane, Australia (August 2009) and in 2010 she was visiting professor in Stanford University into the CodeX Center (July-August 2010, July-August 2017) with particular regard to the Legal Design Lab for conducing a research in the field of Legal Design. In 2015 she received the valuable award “OASIS distinguished contributor” for the exceptional contribution in the Legal Standardization models. Since 2016 she is one of the ten Directors of OASIS. She is also member of the IAAIL Executive Committee and Vice-President.

Giuseppe Lorini

Giuseppe Lorini

Giuseppe Lorini has taught Philosophy of Law and General Theory of Law at the University of Cagliari since 2005. He has also taught at the University of Pavia and at the University of Camerino. His main fields of research are the philosophy of normativity, social ontology and the anthropology and ethology of law. He has published the following books: Legal dimensions of the institutional (Padova, CEDAM, 2000); The logical value of norms (Bari, Adriatica, 2003); Object and act. Contribution to the Philosophy of Law (Turin, Giappichelli, 2007); The sense and the norm (Turin, Giappichelli, 2016); Anankastic in deontics (Milan, LED, 2017). He edited, with Lorenzo Passerini Glazel, the volume Filosofie della norma (Turin, Giappichelli, 2012) and, with Michelina Masia, the volume Anthropology of revenge (Naples, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2015). He has also co-edited several issues of philosophical journals dedicated to normativity and published a hundred essays in national and international journals. In recent years he has been carrying out research on non-linguistic normativity and regulation without rules: in particular, he is investigating drawn norms, animal norms and deontic artefacts.

Gianni Sinni

Gianni Sinni

Gianni Sinni is an associate professor of Communication Design at the IUAV University of Venice. He was previously associate professor and director of the master's degree course in design at the University of the Republic of San Marino. He is the founder of the Lcd communication studio based in Florence. His research topics and publications concern communication design applied to social innovation, complex information, and data visualization with particular regard to the field of public utility. He was the identity consultant of the Minister for Technological Innovation and Digitization and of the Digital Transformation Team at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers for the "Digital Republic" project. He was a member of the Steering Committee of the Agency for Digital Italy (Agid) for the definition of the "Design guidelines for the PA web".

Stefano Leucci

Stefano Leucci

Stefano Leucci is a legal and technological expert at the European Data Protection Supervisor. His main responsibilities concern strategic foresight of new technological trends, financial issues and artificial intelligence. Stefano has a diversified experience as a data protection officer, both in private and public organizations.

Rossana Ducato

Rossana Ducato

Rossana Ducato is Lecturer in IT Law and Regulation at the School of Law of the University of Aberdeen (UK) and lecturer in the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet module "EU Digital Rights, Law, and Design" at the Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium).

Ilaria Amelia Caggiano

Ilaria Amelia Caggiano

Full professor of Private Law at the Suor Orsola Benincasa University, where he teaches Institutions of Private Law, Private Law, Consumer Law and Protection, New Technologies Law. Since 2021 he has been Director of the Master in DPO and privacy law. She holds the Jean Monnet EUGREENEXT Chair. European Green Rights: reshaping fundamental rights for next generations (2022-25). She is Deputy Director of the ReCEPL Research Center and of the European Journal of Privacy Law and Technologies. Former Fulbright Scholar, she was Visiting Scholar and visiting researcher at numerous foreign Universities and Research Centers. She has participated in projects and other activities of Italian and European research groups. She is the author of essays and monographs on property liability and contract and European law, as well as, more recently, on bio-law and data protection law, in a perspective of interaction with empirical studies.

Matteo Viale

Matteo Viale

Matteo Viale is full professor in Italian Linguistics (L-FIL-LET/12, 10/F3) at the University of Bologna. He is Director of Second Cycle Degree of Italian Studies, European Literary Cultures, LinguisticsHe obtained his Ph.D. in Romance Philology from the University of Padua (2007), where he was assigned a research grant (2007-2012). He taught at the universities of Ferrara and Rijeka (Croatia). His main research interests and scientific publications focus on the history of Italian (with particular reference to the language of science and the public administration), Italian grammar (in terms of its description and didactic applications), Italian Language Teaching, Professional Writing and other aspects of the Italian Language and other aspects of the Italian language.

He is coordinator of the Italian research unit of the European Project INCLUDEED (Social cohesion and INclusion: DEveloping the EDucational possible of the European Multilingual Heritage); he was coordinator of the Italian research unit of the European Projects Erasmus+ E-LENGUA. E-Learning Novelties towards the Goal of a Universal Acquisition of Foreign and Second Languages (2015-2018) and XCELING. Towards Excellence in Applied Linguistics. Innovative Second Language Education in Egypt (2017-2020). He was Principal Investigator of the Alma Idea Grant Senior DISPEL. Didattica speciale per le lingue di scolarizzazione: italiano e lingue classiche (2018-2020). He is codirector of the open access scientific journal “Italiano a scuola. 

In addition to teaching at university level, he provides courses in teacher training, professional writing and supplies consulting services to the public administration. In this respect, he has taught courses in written Italian and the simplification of bureaucratic Italian involving the personnel of public and private bodies. He has participated in conferences in Italy and abroad.

Further information:

Barbara Pasa

Barbara Pasa

Barbara Pasa is Full Professor of Comparative Law at the IUAV University of Venice.  
Her research interests focus on Comparative Law and Legal Theory, Law and Design, Contract Law and Consumer protection at the intersection with Intellectual Property Rights, and specific emphasis on Artificial Intelligence. She is a member of the International Academy of Comparative Law; a member of the European Law Institute; and is a member of the executive board of the Italian Society for Research on Comparative Law (SIRD).

Arianna Rossi

Arianna Rossi

Arianna Rossi is a researcher at the University of Luxembourg at the interdisciplinary research center SnT. Her research focuses on transparency, legal design, and online manipulation in privacy, on which she has written numerous articles published in international journals. Currently, she coordinates an interdisciplinary project on dark patterns (Decepticon) and is a member of the European project LeADS Legality-Attentive Data Scientists, which aims to train the next generation of data-savvy lawyers. In 2019, Arianna received an international doctorate in Law, Science, and Technology from the University of Bologna and a doctorate in computer science from the University of Luxembourg. Arianna is one of the co-authors of the Legal Design Manifesto and co-founder of the Legal Design Alliance. Invited as a speaker at numerous international events and as a lecturer at various European universities, Arianna Rossi has contributed to the dissemination of methods, principles, and purposes of an empirical approach to data protection based on design methods. In Luxembourg, Arianna organizes events with Legal Hackers to promote legal innovation and open access.

Marianna Bolognesi

Marianna Bolognesi

Marianna Bolognesi is associate professor in Linguistics at the University of Bologna and the principal investigator of the ERC-funded project ABSTRACTION: Unlocking meaning from experience through language (ERC-2021-STG-101039777). Born in the USA and raised mainly in Italy, she worked as a Marie Curie fellow at the University of Amsterdam (NL) focusing her research on how images and texts construct and express metaphors. Then she moved to the University of Oxford (UK). Her research focuses on the interplay between language and thought and on how words mean. She published several academic articles and books on metaphor and other abstraction processes.

Fabio Vitali

Fabio Vitali

Fabio Vitali is Full Professor in Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DISI) of the University of Bologna. He holds a PhD in Computer and Law from the University of Bologna and has been working for a long time on digital document formats, hypertext systems, web technologies and usability and user experience design. 

He has been part of the W3C Working Group on XML Schema and is currently co-chair of the OASIS TC on LegalDocML. He is the main author of Italian and international standards on legislative XML such as NormeInRete, CEN Metalex and Akoma Ntoso, which became an OASIS standard in 2018. 

He teaches Web Technologies as well as Usability and User Experience Design at the Computer Science School and at the graduate course on Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge of the University of Bologna.