Prof. Salvatore Sapienza

University of Bologna

Salvatore Sapienza is an assistant professor, manager of the dissemination, and laboratory teacher Involved in the main course of “Data science for Lawyers” in the part of the Lab, in the laboratory for PhD. He is also in charge of the dissemination scientific events.

Salvatore Sapienza is a Fixed-Term Junior Researcher at the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Bologna, Ravenna Campus. He holds a PhD in Law, Science and Technology from the University of Bologna and the University of Luxembourg, and a Master of Laws in Intellectual Property and Information Law from King’s College London.
He has collaborated with the Legal Design Lab at Stanford University. He is currently working on a research project entitled "The legal and technical governance of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Agrifood: towards a green, sustainable, and innovative transition" financed by the Italian Programma Operativo Nazionale (PON) “Ricerca e Innovazione” 2014-2020.

He lectures for the courses of Legal Informatics (Master Degree in Law) and Data Science for Lawyers (Legal Studies) at the University of Bologna.
He is the author of several academic publications in the field of AI & Ethics, Data Governance, Data Ownership, and Legal Informatics. His current research interests include the interplay between law, ethics, and technology in food-related matters; ethical and legal issues of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence; Privacy and Data Protection; Legal documents management; Legal XML; Legal information retrieval; Legal analysis; Legal Ontologies.

His main research products include a principle-based and trust-based model for the governance of data for food safety purposes. Inspired by the ongoing research in AI ethics and fruitful academic discussions, the P-SAFETY model (Privacy, Security, Fairness, Explainability, Transparency) constitutes an integrated and innovative ethical framework for stakeholders involved in food safety, including food business operators and regulatory authorities. The model has been recently published in a highly-ranked and well-reputed scientific journal. A monograph extensively discussing the P-SAFETY model will be published in 2022.


Role in the project

  • Teacher and tutor of the DS4L, LXAI LED. Member of the scientific board of the annual workshop “Data Science and Legal Design for Explicable AI”.
  • Tutor of the proceeding of the annual workshop.
  • Scientific coordinator of all the syllabi.
  • Responsible for the empirical method and tutoring of the group projects and for the Evaluation and Quality Assurance Framework.
  • Supervisor of the website, MOODLE, an e-learning platform.



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