Dr. Francesco Sovrano

University of Bologna - University of Zurich, ZEST lab

Francesco Sovrano is a PhD student in Data Science at the University of Bologna. His research addresses explainable and explanatory artificial intelligence (XAI & YAI) in the field of technical communication, legal data analysis (i.e. legal question answering) and digital humanities. More in detail, his main research project is about understanding how to formalise and automatically generate pragmatic (agent-centred) explanations of complex data and processes (e.g. XAI, LOD), with particular attention to the EU's Right to Explanation. He is developing mechanisms for explaining to humans (by exploiting Achinstein's theory of explanations) and also to machines (Reinforcement Learning agents which explain rule-based regulations; multiple RL-agents that have to optimally explain each other).

In addition to research, Francesco also carries out teaching and tutoring activities at the University of Bologna for the department of Computer Science (on USABILITY & USER EXPERIENCE DESIGN, WEB TECHNOLOGIES) and the Department of Law (on Data Science for Lawyers, Sem. Data Science For Legal Analytics). During his PhD, Francesco has created a vivid network of collaborations resulting from visiting periods in the US and UK at the University of Pittsburgh (PA; USA), hosted by Prof. Kevin Ashley and Prof. Peter Brusilovsky.
Topic: Adaptive e-Learning in Law. the University of Cambridge (UK), hosted by Prof. Amanda Prorok.
Topic: Explanation-Aware Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. the Stanford University (CA; US) for the European Project Marie Curie 'MIREL-MInig and REasoning with Legal texts '.
Topic: automatic extraction of legal ontology design patterns starting from legal texts.

Francesco also participated in several European projects: the MIREL (MIREL: MIning and REasoning with Legal texts) project, funded by the Justice program of the European Union under the Grant Agreement n. 690974. the InterLex project, funded by the Justice program of the European Union under Grant Agreement No.800839. the LEOS (Legislation Editing Open Software) project.

 Role in the project

  • Teacher of the of DS4L, LXAI. Member of the scientific board of the annual workshop “Data Science and Legal Design for Explicable AI”.
  • Supervisor of PhD students during the LXAI. Responsible for the LXAI seminars and laboratory.
  • Tutor of the website, MOODLE, e-learning platform.



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