
Objective 1

Data Science for Lawyers

To provide competence for law students for managing the introduction of the AI and data analytics in the society, related to their specific job but also in general to understand the phenomena of the society through a correct analysis of the data and of the visualization. “Data science for lawyers” is thus placed within the courses offered by the LLM program in Legal Studies LEGS

Objective 2

Laboratory of XAI with Data and Legal Design

To enlarge the debate in the academic community about the value of interdisciplinary teaching which combines legal theoretical methodology and the data science approach, in order to offer courses to different categories of students (LLM and PhD). We intend using the “Laboratory of XAI with Data and Legal Design” mainly addressed to the PhD candidates to create a new generation of legal researchers that in the future could play an active role in high-level positions, in the academic field and also in the institutions.


Additionally, the PhD course stimulates colleagues to organize each year a specific international workshop for discussing

  1. what and how to teach these kinds of new courses;
  2. to provide a monitor of the state of the art of the scientific findings;
  3. to create a solid community.

Legal Design for Digital Transformation

To promote digital transformation in the legal domain (lawyers, judges) where a certain conservative approach creates resistance to the introduction of the ICT for producing a new business process organization. “Summer School LED” (Legal Design- LED) copes with this objective by creating an enhancing the skills related to the use and the understanding of the AI transparency involving at “local and state level policy-makers, civil servants, civil society actors, representatives of the different levels of education and of the media” 

Empowering Society through Data, Visualization, and AI Literacy

To create a more robust society where the citizens can act in the infosphere with more consciousness and intellectual autonomy correctly using data, visualization, artificial intelligence tools. This means to create skills that are typically offered in scientific faculties also in the legal studies courses for making the society more robust to detect attacks to the human rights, to expose discriminations produced by the technologies, to tackle cognitive biases. The manipulation of the minds using big data and AI could affect the autonomy of decision of the citizen so it is important create solid skills to cooperate in a positive way with AI and Big data applications.



Project co-founded by