Project Objectives

The main objective of INCO-Piles project is to sum up, establish and develop innovative technologies for the sustainable extraction of CRMs from mining activities residuals with the focus on RIS strategic areas.


The specific objectives are:

  1. A comprehensive review of sampling, characterization and processing techniques, which can be applied to stockpiles/tailings.
  2. Data collection and analysis from existing piles in ESEE and MED countries.
  3. Valorisation of a real application from ESEE and MED countries for the retreatment of CRMs.
  4. Evaluation of economic profitability of recovering CRMs from mining residuals, in a sustainable way.
  5. Creation of significant links between KIC partners and companies from RREM countries to exchange knowledge on the value chain of recovery CRMs from stockpiles/tailings.



RIS - Regional Innovation Scheme

CRM - Critical Raw Materials

ESEE - East and South East Europe

MED - Mediterranean

RREM - Resources Rich Emerging Economies