6th Nov, Japan-LegalTech R&D meeting - 7th Nov,Japan-EU meeting (OECD)
Event location: Paris, OECD
Digital Ready Legislation Round Table meetings, among Japan, OECD, EU, and Denmark. Tomoki Ueda, Rebecca King, Pierre Sarlieve, Kristoffer Olsen, Monica Palmirani, Ermo Täks, Thomas Hildebrandt, Peter Riise, Miri Hachimura.
The meeting at OECD was especially long/intensive. We shared each others’ experiences, findings, and difficulties to promote DRL among participants of several backgrounds. Our discussion went from the DRL methodology to more, the open-discussion about the purpose of why we want to promote DRL, and its potential social impacts.
LegalXML Methodology supporting Digital-Ready Legislation.
LegisTech: Artificial Intelligence in Legislaton