
Yearbook of Ancient Christian Literature and Judeo-Hellenistic Studies. Journal of the Italian Research Group on 'Origen and the Alexandrian Tradition'.

The journal Adamantius was born in 1995 with the title Bollettino del Gruppo Italiano di Ricerca su Origene e la Tradizione Alessandrina. When in 2001 the 'Italian Research Group on Origen and the Alexandia Tradition' (GIROTA) was officially founded, Adamantius became its journal, conceived of as both a research tool and a means of dialogue with the international scholarship, with a peer review system of evaluation of the contributions.

Each annual issue is divided into five parts: 1. a monographic section, articles, notes; 2. information on the activities and research of the GIROTA; 3. a bibliographical repertory on Origen and the Alexandrian tradition, and book reviews; 4. news on conferences and seminars; 5. volume index.


Scientific Committee

Brouria Bitton Ashhkelony (Jerusalem) René Bloch (Bern), Eberhard Bons (Strasbourg), Marie-Odile Boulnois (Paris), Gilles Dorival (Aix-en-Provence / Marseilles), Giovanni Filoramo (Torino), Alain Le Boulluec (Paris), Christoph Markschies (Berlin), Claudio Moreschini (Pisa), Enrico Norelli (Genève), David T. Runia (Melbourne), Guy Gedaliahu Stroumsa (Oxford / Jerusalem), Annewies Van Den Hoek (Harvard), Robert Louis Wilken (Charlottesville, Virginia).


Editorial Board#

Roberto Alciati, Osvalda Andrei, Guido Bendinelli, Paolo Bettiolo, Paola Buzi, Antonio Cacciari (vicedirettore), Francesca Calabi, Alberto Camplani (direttore scientifico), Tessa Canella, Nathan Carlig, Francesca Cocchini, Chiara Faraggiana di Sarzana, Emiliano Fiori, Tommaso Interi, Leonardo Lugaresi, Sincero Mantelli, Valentina Marchetto, Angela Maria Mazzanti, Adele Monaci, Andrea Nicolotti, Carla Noce, Domenico Pazzini, Lorenzo Perrone (direttore responsabile), Francesco Pieri, Teresa Piscitelli, Emanuela Prinzivalli, Marco Rizzi, Pietro Rosa, Agostino Soldati, Chiara Spuntarelli, Daniele Tripaldi (segretario), Andrea Villani, Claudio Zamagni, Marco Zambon.


Foreign Correspondents

Cristian Badilita (Romania), Marie-Odile Boulnois (France), Harald Buchinger (Austria), Dmitrij Bumazhnov (Russia), Augustine Casiday (United Kingdom), Tinatin Dolidze (Georgia), Samuel Fernández (Chile), Michael Ghattas (Egypt), Anders-Christian Jacobsen (Denmark), Adam Kamesar (U.S.A.), Aryeh Kofsky (Israel), Johan Leemans (Belgium), Joseph O’Leary (Japan), Anne Pasquier (Canada), István Perczel (Hungary), Henryk Pietras (Poland), Jana Plátová (Czech Republic), Jean-Michel Roessli (Switzerland), Riemer Roukema (The Netherlands), Samuel Rubenson (Sweden), Anna Tzvetkova (Bulgaria), Martin Wallraff (Germany).


The editorial office of Adamantius is at the Department of Classical Philology and Italianistics, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Via Zamboni 32, I-40126 Bologna (tel. +39 0512098517). For any communication please contact Prof. Alberto Camplani (e-mail: or Prof. Antonio Cacciari (e-mail: The journal will report any information received that specifically relates to the group's field of research and will systematically record publications relevant to it. Please send dissertations, books and articles for review to the above address.


Alberto Camplani

Scientific Director

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Lorenzo Perrone


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Antonio Cacciari


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Daniele Tripaldi


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