
Potentiostat Biologic SP-300 

Argon line to be able to work under dry conditions.


ECL lab:

on the top of the dark box: CCD Hamamatsu EM9100-13 512x512          10x NA03WD 17.5mm 

inside the dark box:               Nikon Eclipse LV100                                           4x   

                                                       Autolab PGSTAT30                                                                          

                                                       Stage motorizzato Marzhauser                       20x NA04WD 19mm                          


ECL lab:

ACTON Research model 181                            100x NA08WD 4.5mm


and inside the dark box: PMT Hamamatsu R4220P                                 40x NA06WD 2.8-3.6mm                       


ECL lab:

Microfluidic cell

Electrocatalysis lab:

from left to right:  H2 generator

                                     Mass Flow Control

                                    SRI 8610C Gas-Chromatograph (SRI Instruments)

                                    MICRO FLOW CELL  MFC30010ElectroCell (EC) 

Electrocatalysis lab:

on the left:    Peristaltic pump MasterFlex L/S Favs Model 77200-50

on the right: SP-150 Potentiostat Biologic

Atomic Force Microscopy Veeco III Nanoscope 3D

High vacuum lines:

Edwards Turbomolecular pump and Pfeiffer Turbomolecular pump


Spectrophotometer Varian Cary 5  UV-Vis-NIR used for photoelectrochemistry

Ionic Cromatograph (IC)