Zeiss correlative petrography platform (optical-SEM-EDS-EBSD)

Automatic and semi-automatic correlative analytical workflows and routines for macro to sub-micron scale structural, mineralogical, and compositional investigations.

The correlative petrography platform allows at enhancing workflows and routines for macro to sub-micron scale structural, mineralogical, and compositional data collection. Through a codified sample holder and one single a dedicated software, site of interests and spot analysis coordinates and any type of image (optical, BSE, SE, EDS, EBSD, CL...) are linked and explorable during and after their acquisition.

The platform includes:

- An AxioZoom v.16, an on-axis zoom microscope equipped with an x-y-z motorized stage allowing large-area image reconstructions on hand specimens

- An AxioScope 7 petrographic microscope equipped with an x-y-z motorized stage allowing image reconstructions down to the 100x objective

- An AxioLab 5 petrographic microscope for routine optical microscopy investigations

- An EVO 15 variable pressure SEM (LaB6/W source) equipped with an Oxford Instruments Ultim Max 100mm2 EDS detector and a C-Nano EBSD detector

- The ZEN Connect correlative microscopy software

The Zeiss Intellesis software for AI-based image analysis