Research facilities

Ca. 30 lab-scale plants, for both liquid and vapour phase processes, both in batch and in continuous-flow mode, equipped with analytical facilities (on-line GC and micro GC)


Online GC: Agilent 6890 equipped with FID and TCD detector,

Online micro GC: Agilent 3000A. HP Plot-Q column, OV1 and Molecular sieve 5Å column

TPD-R-O (with MS)

Micromeritics Autochem II 2920 instrument coupled with a Cirrus 2 quadrupole mass spectrometer

DRIFTS (with MS)

Bruker Vertex 70 instrument equipped with a Pike DiffusIR cell attachment and a MCT detector

BET; Porosimeters.

SORPTY 1750 (Fisons Instruments)

Micrometrics ASAP™ 2020


TGA TA Instruments SDT-Q600

Ex-situ and in-situ FT-IR; ATR

ATR-IR Bruker (Billerica, MA, USA) Alpha

MS spectrometers (GC-MS, ESI)

Agilent Technologies 6890 gas-chromatographer coupled with an Agilent Technologies 5973 mass analyzer (GC-MS)

Access through the Industrial Chemistry Department “Toso Montanari” to the following facilities:

  • NMR spectrometers (300 mHz, 400 mHz, 600 mHz);

       Varian “Mercury 400” and “Mercury 600” spectrometers, operating at 400 and 600 MHz, respectively.

  • SEM-EDX;

       Microscope 50 EP (LEO ZEISS) with Oxford Instruments INCA ENERGY 350 microdetector (EDS) with INCASmartMap system

  • Ex-situ and in-situ Raman;

        Renishaw Raman System RM1000 equipped with Leica DLML confocal microscope, with 5x, 20x and 50x objectives,

        video camera, CCD detector and laser source Argon ion (514 nm)

  • X-Ray diffractometer (access to powder XRD);

       Philips PW1050/81 diffractometer equipped with a graphite monochromator and controlled by the PW1710 detection unit

       (Cu Kα, λ=0.15418 nm)

  • XRF analyser;

       PANalytical Axios Advanced WD-XRF spectrometer equipped with a Rh-anode X-ray tube (maximum power = 4 kW)

  • AAS (atomic absorption); MP-AES (microwave plasma - atomic emission spectrometry)

       Agilent 4210 MP-AES instrument


      DLS and electrophoretic light scattering ELS measures, registered by using a Malvern Panalytical

      (Malvern, United Kingdom) Zetasizer Nano ZS instrument.

  • Computer centre (about 500 processors)