"Development of Cataytic Membranes for Biomass Valorization" (Regione Emilia Romagna - Fondi FESR)
"Blow-up Balkans Waste to Products: Transfer of Nol model to Balkan Area: de-siloing new Waste-derived Raw Materials and developing New Applications" (EIT Raw Materials(KIC) Project No 16320)
"Study on Support to to R&I Policy in the rea of Bio-Based products and services"BIO-SPRI (DG for Research and Innovation- Bioeconomy Unit F2-Biobased Products and processes, under contract No 2016/RTD/F2/OP/PP-04541-2016)
"Catalytic Raw Materials- FREE CATalyisiS (FREECATS), Network of Infrastructures nol, Knowledge and Innovation community EIT RawMaterials ("KIC") (EIR RawMaterials (KIC), Grant Agreement No EIT/RAWMATERIALS/SGA2017/1
“First2Run” FLAGSHIP European project, Horizon 2020 (BBI-JU; Call: H2020-BBI-PPP-2014-1).
Topic: Investigation of innovative catalytic processes for the synthesis of biopolymers from vegetable oils. In particular, investigating the oxidative cleavage of unsaturated fatty acids using oxygen or air as oxidants. Synthesis, development, characterisation of heterogeneous catalytic systems, in collaboration with Novamont S.p.A.
“Valsovit” project (POR FESR Emilia-Romagna 2014-2020).
Topic: upgrading of bio-alcohol to chemicals. In particular, the valorisation of the mixtures of bio-ethanol derived from the wine industry, in collaboration with Caviro s.r.l.
"EUROpean Multilevel Integrated BIOREFinery Design for Sustainable Biomass Processing" (EU FP7-PF7/2007-2013 grant agreement no 241718(3))
"EuroBioRef (EUROpean Multileve Integrated BIOREFinery Design for Sustainable Biomass Processing" (European Commission FP7/2007-2013, grant agreement no 241718, COOPERATION Sustainable Biorefineries, FP7-ENERGY.2009.3.3.1)
“Alternative Biomass for Elastomers (ALBE)” project (Cluster on Green Chemistry, SPRING).
Topic: development of sustainable catalytic processes for the production of butadiene from renewable sources, in particular Lebedev and dehydration reactions