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The photographic contest of CaLiSTA is now closed and we are thrilled to announce the winners!
1st Place to Olga Zeghen, with a stunning picture that perfectly captures the symmetry of Antelope Canyon.
You can find the picture in HD quality here. Click here for the short essay about the photo and its significance in the context of Symmetry in Mathematics.
2nd Place goes to Giorgio Germano, who portrayed the beautiful historical building of Mir-i Arab in Bukhara, Uzbekistan.
You can find the picture in HD quality here. Click here for the short essay about the photo and its significance in the context of Symmetry in Mathematics.
Pride Month
These days mark the end of LGBTQ+ Pride Month, and we didn't want to miss the opportunity to take a moment to talk about it again. We are doing so by dedicating a space to the memory of Maria Silvia Spolato, a mathematician and activist, the first Italian woman to publicly come out. This story is by Nicola Ciccoli.
Click on the link to learn about her story (Italian)
A photographic contest on the theme of 'Symmetry in mathematics and physics' is launched by the COST Action 21109, CaLISTA. The rules are the following:
on May 5, 2023 at Università di Torino
File [5463Kb .pdf]
on September 6, 2023 at Brno
File [7172Kb .pdf]
at Training School on Cartan Geometry, Brno, Czechia, 04 - 08 SEPTEMBER 2023
Jordan François (speaker), Jan Slovak (organizer)
WG1: Cartan Geometry and Representation theory
WG5: Dissemination and Public Engagement
Prof. Jordan François gave a conference on 'The role of Philosophy and Mathematics in Physics' directed to talented youth in the region.
Italian quantum weeks
L’incontro, rivolto principalmente a studentesse e studenti universitari e al corpo docente, intende presentare alcuni dei principali temi di ricerca, teorici e sperimentali, sviluppati dai diversi gruppi, per introdurre scoperte e tecnologie che caratterizzano la seconda rivoluzione quantistica.
Dopo una breve introduzione, i partecipanti visiteranno tre laboratori dove potranno assistere alle seguenti esperienze:
_messaggi e intercettazioni con la crittografia quantistica
_ materiali e fenomeni quantistici
_il punto più freddo dell’Emilia-Romagna: atomi
ultrafreddi per un sensore ultrapreciso.
One class of 14 high school students participated they played the Dobble game together with the researcher of CaLiSTA. This game led to considering topics such as point-line geometry, perspective (adding points at infinity), projective planes, etc. It was a fun activity, and the class was quite engaged!
Paolo Aschieri with Francesca Martignone, from Università del Piemonte Orientale, presented the exhibition "Women of Mathematics" that took place from 16.2.2024 to 19.5.2024 in "Liceo Scientifico Convitto Nazionale Carlo Alberto”, NOVARA, where around 600 students have had the opportunity to see the posters. On the day of the inauguration students have been introduced, on the one hand, to the gender issues in Mathematics, Physics and in general the STEM disciplines and, on the other hand, to the research fields of the portrayed mathematicians.