Ongoing Events, Meetings and Publications
Scheduled on January 9-10, 2025 at the University of Torino, the workshop Le televisioni locali in Italia. Relazioni teoriche e metodologiche tra storia della tv, del cinema e dei media is organised by the local research unit of ATLas project. Among the speakers: Susanna Gianandrea (Rai Teche), Simona Casonato (Museo Nazionale di Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo Da Vinci), Gabriele Proglio (Università di Scienze Gastronomiche), Irene Piazzoni (Università degli Studi di Milano), Andrea Mariani (Università di Udine), Paolo Magaudda (Università di Padova); a presentation of issue no. 27 of «Imago. Studi di cinema e media» journal, which focuses on Raffaella Carrà, will also occur.
With a contribution entitled «Pannella and Pallone»: Soccer, Politics and Local TV in Rome (1976-1990): the case of Teleroma56 Giulia Crisanti and Margherita Moro participated in the conference on Football and the City. Territory, Identity, Narratives held at the University of Bologna on October 15-16, 2024. The conference provided an opportunity to reflect - through the case study provided by TeleRoma56 - on how local TV stations operated as laboratories for the development of the linguistic codes, the expertise and the TV formats that contributed to making soccer a kind of TV genre and show that combines the commitment to news-making and entertainment.
Organised by the Sardinian unit of ATLas, the seminar Le televisioni locali in Italia: dall’archivio alle storie del territorio takes place on September 16 and 17, 2024 at the Cittadella dei Musei “Giovanni Lilliu” of the University of Cagliari. The programme includes two panels with guests and experts ("Storie dei media, storia orali, storie locali" and"L'archivio video: gestione, digitalizzazione e accesso"), with a closing roundtable.
With a presentation entitled Culture produttive e filo diretto con il territorio. Due storie di emittenti televisive locali italiane, Emiliano Rossi (Bologna Unit) and Paola Zeni (Turin Unit) participate in the conference organised on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the journal “Studi Culturali” (Bologna, 12-13 September 2024). The panel “Journalism, Television and Radio” is chaired by Luca Barra, principal investigator of ATLas. The conference aims to map the state of cultural studies in Italy and explore its future prospects, promoting a collective conversation around the central themes of this interdisciplinary field of study.
Scheduled on June 27, 2024 at the İzmir University of Economics (Turkey), the panel Local Televisions, Uncovered. Trajectories across the Emergence of Italian Private Channels was held by researchers of the ATLas project. In particular, Damiano Garofalo and Giulia Crisanti dealt with the issue of the alleged Americanisation which both affected and generated from non State-controlled TV enterprises (1984 and the Big Brother That You Did Not See Coming. Re-Interpreting the History of Italy’s Private Tv Networks in the 1980s), while Diego Cavallotti and Myriam Mereu concentrated on the journalistic coverage offered by Sardegna 1 to its regional audience (“On an Island in the Sun”. News-Making and Emerging Local Televisions in Sardinia: The Case of Sardegna 1). Finally, Luca Barra and Emiliano Rossi problematized the presence of softcore content in Antenna3 video-catalogues (“That’s What Audiences Expect from Us”: Softcore Content and Local TV).
On April 29, 2024, as part of the research on Teleroma 56, the working unit of Rome University (La Sapienza) interviewed sports journalist Fabio Caressa. Among the topics addressed, his early years and training at the Roman TV station, where he worked from the mid-1980s to the early 1990s. The same issues were addressed during another interview to sport TV host Sandro Piccinini (June 19, 2024).
The Turin unit of the ATLas project – composed by prof. Riccardo Fassone and dott. Paola Zeni – installed at the Department of Humanistic Studies of the University of Turin a viewing workstation for the audiovisual material produced by Videogruppo Piemonte. The original programming, today partially preserved on U-matic supports, can thus be consulted within the unit, leading to a further step in the reconstruction of the broadcaster’s cultural and production history.
A roundtable dedicated to Drive in and its connection with the history of Italian TV took place at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" on March 22, 2024. The event provided the opportunity to present the goals and preliminary outcomes of the ATLas - Atlas of Local Televisions project.
First panel speakers:
- Luca Barra (P.I. of the project at the University of Bologna) gave a speech on the history of local TV networks and the evolution of Italian comedy;
- Damiano Garofalo and Giulia Crisanti (who are part of the Rome unit of the PRIN) discussed the Americanization of Italian TV during the 1980s;
- Francesca Cantore and Silvia Campisano (researcher and PhD student, Sapienza Università di Roma) focused on the critical reception of Drive In during the years of its airing.
The second panel featured Antonio Ricci (author of Drive In), Barbara Palombelli (journalist and TV host), Victoria Cabello (TV host), and Enrico Mentana (journalist and director of TG La7). The roundtable was moderated by Andrea Minuz and Michele Masneri.
Scheduled on January 11-12, 2024, the workshop is organised by the Roman research unity of the project; the programme is composed of two panels: Il sistema dei media in Italia: prospettive di storia culturale, nuovi linguaggi pubblicitari e forme di americanizzazione and Raccontare un'Italia che cambia: geografie urbane, culture del consumo e possibili orizzonti di public history.
Scheduled on December 14, 2023 (Aula A, via Azzo Gardino 23), the seminar is organized by the local unit of the project, as part of the course in Cultures of Television Production. Papers by Peppino Ortoleva (Il surrealismo del consumo. Tv locali e società) and Flavia Barca (Le tv locali in Italia e le trasformazioni sociali ed economiche del Paese); speeches will be given also by the principal investigator of the project, Prof. Luca Barra, along with the researchers involved in the research.
The yearly workshop of AIRSC, the Italian Association for Film History Research, was held in Bologna on December 11 at the Cineteca. Matteo Marinello and Emiliano Rossi took part in the "Fonti e archivi: realtà e orizzonti" panel, with a paper entitled “Come dei boscaioli a Manhattan”: verso un atlante dell’emittenza locale in Italia, focused on a contextualization of the cases of Antenna 3 and TeleSanterno.
The ATLas working group has taken part in the conference Rethinking Broadcast Archives: Dig, Deconstruct, Display organized by the International Federation of Television Archives (FIAT/IFTA) at the British Film Institute in London (December 8, 2023). With a speech prepared with Luca Barra and Diego Cavallotti, Emiliano Rossi presented the paper ATLas Chronicles. Designing an Italian Archive of Past Local Tv Channels, initiating a dialogue with other researchers involved in similar projects at an international level.
Organized on November 30, 2023 by the University of Rome La Sapienza in collaboration with CGIL/SPI, the conference I movimenti sociali nella trasformazione degli anni Ottanta was attended by several humanities researchers. On this occasion, Giulia Crisanti and Damiano Garofalo presented a paper entitled Le televisioni private tra locale e globale.
ATLas is among the partners of the conference Metodologie e spazi della ricerca sui media, organized by Link University (Rome) on November 21, 2023. As part of this collaboration, Luca Barra and Damiano Garofalo take part to the workshop Teoria e prassi dell’intervista tra production studies, scienze sociali e storia orale, focused on the most effective research methods applied to tv industries.
Scheduled on June 17, 2023 in Oslo as part of the annual NECS Conference, the workshop Archiving Television Histories: Main Challenges and Research Trajectories was attended, among others, by Luca Barra, Diego Cavallotti and Damiano Garofalo. The ATLas research group gave an account of the methodological framework of the ongoing project.
Some of the researchers working for ATLas project took part in Storia sociale/ Storia dei media. Fonti, metodologie, ricerche per la storia del cinema e della televisione in Italia conference, organised by Sapienza Università di Roma on May 11-12, 2023. Part of the panel “Televisioni locali”, Matteo Marinello and Emiliano Rossi proposed an initial overview of Antenna 3 source analysis (La battaglia di Legnano: Antenna 3 Lombardia tra radici locali e ambizioni nazionali). Diego Cavallotti (Università degli Studi di Cagliari) concentrated on the presence of cinema in the first programming of cinema in local broadcasting (“Nuovi spazi di visione: il film nelle televisioni locali italiane tra il 1976 e il 1979”) and introduced the main outlines of the research programme in the roundtable “Le audience negli studi di cinema e media in Italia”.
Organized as part of the doctoral program in Visual, Performing and Media Arts, the Principal Investigator of the project, Luca Barra, held a doctoral workshop at the Department of the Arts (Università di Bologna) on March 23, 2023 (ATLas - Atlante delle Televisioni Locali. Questioni di metodo e prime traiettorie di ricerca). Framing the main thematic lines, aims and operational tools of this study, the meeting also delved into the case of TeleSanterno, drawing from the field experience of the research team.
On March 11, 2023, scholars from the Bologna unit had the opportunity to meet TeleSanterno's founder, Domenico Berti, with some members of his family and a large group of professionals active in the channel since the beginning of its broadcasts (1976). The interviews conducted in Casalfiumanese (Bologna) shed light on the channel's first operational phase, clarifying its editorial and commercial positioning, as well as the contribution of its various employees. This was also the occasion for collecting anecdotes and personal memories which, once properly codified, will constitute a significant source for the research outputs.
The field research session of the Bologna working group was launched in December 2022. Thanks to the collaboration of Renzo Villa's family, researchers could proceed with an initial investigation of the rich documentary apparatus (line-ups, original photographs, industrial materials, correspondence, press reviews, accounts) on to the beginnings of Antenna Tre's broadcast in Lombardy. The work was followed by a visit to the broadcaster's archives and to its tape library (Legnano) where digitization of the whole prime-time programming since 1977 is in completion.
With a paper by Diego Cavallotti (Pirates at a slower pace: the illegal circulation of films between 1971 and 1976 in Italy), ATLas was present at the XXVIII International Conference on Film Studies, dedicated to the production practices of Italian cinema between 1949 and 1976. The initiative, organised by the University of Roma Tre, took place on November 28-29, 2022.
Organized on October 5, 2022 as part of the Television and Digital Media course (DAMS programme, Università di Bologna), the talk focused on the Netflix docu-series dedicated to Wanna Marchi, in order to reconstruct the local TV landscape of the 1980s and 1990s and the scandals surrounding Italy's most notorious tele-marketer. Participants included the head of non-fiction of Netflix Italy, the creator of the content and the producer (Fremantle Italy).
Diego Cavallotti (Università degli Studi di Cagliari) took part in NECS 2022 Conference (Epistemic Media: Atlas, Archive, Network - Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureşti, Bucharest, June 23-26, 2022) with a presentation entitled The Silver Screen and the Living Room: Film Programming on Local Televisions in Italy Between 1971 and 1976.
The launch of the project was scheduled as part of the annual conference of the American Association for Italian Studies (AAIS), held in Bologna from May 29 to June 1, 2022. The panel "How to Map the History of Italian Local Television Channels (1976-1990)" featured the participation of the research local responsibles, in dialogue with Valentina Re (Link Campus University, Rome).
A report of the 2022 edition of the conference organised by the American Association for Italian Studies is available for download, with some details about the research project