Stranger Wonder. Social Interactions through performance design.

dal 20 al 22 giugno 2022

Time: 20 / 22 giugno 2022

Venue: DAMS Lab - Piazzetta P. P. Pasolini, 5/b, 40122 Bologna BO

Type of commitment: 4 h / day

The students are invited to attend the Afternoon Session of the 8th International Forum of Design as a Process “Disrupting Geographies in the Design Words”.

The workshop by Paolo Cardini and Giulio Pamitessa.
At the intersection between participatory art and design, sociology and theatrical performances, the Stranger Wonder workshop aims to rediscover the trust and curiosity towards the unknown, the alien, the stranger. As part of the conference Disrupting Geographies, in which alternative perspectives on the design world are presented through a rich array of cultural contexts, art and design students are invited to reflect on social proximity across Bologna’s streets and squares. Overturning the saying “stranger danger”, through which a moral panic on the potential risks related to the unfamiliar is feeding society with mistrust and hate, this inter-cultural collaboration between local and international students will promote a dialogue between the city and its actors. Designed objects and location-specific interactions will create the framework for new social narratives and foster interpersonal communication.


  • DAY 1 Observation (4h)
    Search for social signals and urban stagesThe students, organized in groups, will engage in a tour through the center of Bologna scouting for social signals or phenomena to inspire creative interventions.
  • DAY 2 Ideation (4h)
    Interactive medium ideation and creationEach group will design and build their performative piece with the materials provided.
  • DAY 3 Action (4h)
    Installation and social performanceEach group will install their pieces in the selected location filming the resulting social interaction.

Reserved positions University of Bologna:

  • 8 studenti della laurea triennale (A.A. 2021-22).
  • 2 studenti della laurea magistrale (A.A. 2021-22), come tutor junior in affiancamento ai docenti.

Per iscriversi ai workshop è necessario compilare il form a questo link.
L'iscrizione è effettuabile entro e non oltre il giorno 30 maggio alle ore 24:00, pena l'esclusione dalla selezione.

CFU riconosciuti:
2 cfu

- A good knowledge of English and/or Spanish is required (in the afternoon of the days WS participants are invited to attend the KNote Forum)
- Paper roll for making mock-ups
- Old magazines to cut
- Scissors
- Stapler X6
- Eyeletting Machine X2
- Rope x30mt, 6/8mm


Simona Colitti

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Margherita Ascari

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