Webinar “Video analysis for the quality and innovation of university teaching”

University of Bologna, 29 April 2021




The webinar was promoted by the Department of Education "G.M. Bertin" in collaboration with the Learning and Teaching Center of the University of Bologna and with the School of Education of the University of California, Irvine (UCI) and the University of South Australia (UniSA).

Here you can view the videos of the three contributions on the topic of video analysis for quality teaching presented during the webinar.




In the first video Bruce White (Adjunct Lecturer at the UniSA Education Futures), Lisa O'Keeffe (Senior Lecturer at the UniSA Education Futures) and Amie Albrecht (Associate Professor and Dean of Programs at the UniSA STEM) present a contribution entitled "Video Reflection at UniSA ", in which they offer an overview of two projects on the use of video analysis and 360video cameras in pre-service teachers education carried out at the University of South Australia.

In the second video Rossella Santagata (Full Professor and Director of the Center for Research in Teacher Development and Professional Practice at the UC Irvine School of Education) presents a contribution entitled "Teacher Noticing and Video: A Review of Existing Research and Future Directions for Higher Education ", in which she focuses on the use of video as a training tool to promote teachers' noticing skills.

The third video presents an overview of the Video analysis for quality teaching in Higher Education project promoted by the UNIBO Department of Education and carried out with the collaboration of UniSA and UCI with the aim of developing a system of methodologies, tools and procedures for video analysis to foster the improvement of the teaching skills of university teachers.