13-15 July 2022
The Summer School, organized by the Department of Education “G.M. Bertin” of the University of Bologna in partnership with the University of California Irvine (UCI) and the University of South Australia (UniSA), will take place from 13.07.2022 to 15.07.2022 at the Department of Education “G.M. Bertin” (Via Filippo Re, 6 - 40126 Bologna).
As regards the intended target audience, the first two days of the Summer School (13-14 July) are dedicated to professors and researchers from the University of Bologna and the two partner universities; sessions will be recorded and made available to UCI and UniSA colleagues who will not be able to attend remotely. The third day of the Summer School (15 July) is dedicated to PhD students from the University of Bologna and other Italian universities.
The Summer School aims to provide participants with opportunities for exchange and discussion on topics related to innovation in university teaching, with a focus on the potential of video analysis as a tool for improving teaching and learning processes in higher education and for the professional development of university teachers. It will include the presentation of local and international experiences and workshop sessions that will allow participants to experience the potential of video analysis as a resource for innovation in university teaching and for research in this field.
As indicated by the respective titles, some sessions of the Summer School will be held in English and others in Italian.
There are no costs for registration. A buffet lunch will be offered at the Department of Education “G.M. Bertin”.
The initiative is promoted by the UNIBO Program for innovative projects under International Cooperation Agreements (Bando Strutture 2020).
For further information, contact us by mail at chiara.varlaro2@unibo.it
09:30 - Saluti istituzionali: Giovanni Molari (Magnifico Rettore dell’Università di Bologna), Maurizio Fabbri (Direttore del Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Educazione “G.M. Bertin”)
10:00 - Teaching innovation in higher education: a theoretical and operational framework. Introduction by Ira Vannini (Università di Bologna)
10:15 - Video analysis as a tool for the innovation of university teaching: international experiences. Chairs: Elena Pacetti, Alessandro Soriani (Università di Bologna)
10:30 - Zooming in and zooming out: using video to develop a new vision for university teaching. Rossella Santagata (University of California, Irvine)
11:30 - Coffee break
11:45 - Unpacking the potential of 360-degree video to examine teaching and learning. Amie Albrecht, Lisa O’Keeffe, Bruce White, and Chelsea Cutting (University of South Australia)
12:45 - Q&A
Using video to take a close look at teaching: some theory and lots of practice. Rossella Santagata, Patricia Fuentes Acevedo, Christina Kimmerling (University of California, Irvine). Chair: Licia Masoni (Università di Bologna)
Saluti istituzionali: Roberto Vecchi (Prorettore alla Didattica dell’Università di Bologna), Daniela Taccone (Responsabile Area Formazione e Dottorato - Università di Bologna)
Riflessività e innovazione nella didattica universitaria - Tavola rotonda e smart interaction - Chair: Elena Luppi (Università di Bologna) e Settore Qualità e Innovazione Didattica.
Videoanalisi e sviluppo professionale dei docenti universitari: una ricerca su un percorso formativo rivolto a docenti dell’UNIBO. Andrea Ciani, Alessandra Rosa (Università di Bologna)
360-degree video analysis for teaching practice. Amie Albrecht, Lisa O’Keeffe, Bruce White, and Chelsea Cutting (University of South Australia). Chair: Licia Masoni (Università di Bologna)
09:30 - Saluti istituzionali: Tiziana Pironi, Coordinatrice del Dottorato in Scienze Pedagogiche dell’Università di Bologna
09:45 - Videoanalisi e sviluppo professionale dei docenti: evidenze e prospettive dalla ricerca internazionale. Rossella Santagata (University of California, Irvine)
10:30 - “Prof., posso parlare?”. Includere gli studenti nella ricerca sull’innovazione didattica. Consuelo Mameli (Università di Bologna)
11:15 - Coffee break
11:30 - Promuovere le competenze didattiche dei docenti universitari nella prospettiva del Formative Assessment: una ricerca su un percorso formativo centrato sull’uso della videoanalisi. Andrea Ciani, Alessandra Rosa (Università di Bologna)
12:15 - Dibattito (Q&A)
Videoanalisi e innovazione didattica all’università. Andrea Ciani, Consuelo Mameli, Elena Pacetti, Alessandra Rosa, Alessandro Soriani (Università di Bologna)
Dr. Rossella Santagata, Christina Kimmerling, Patricia Fuentes Acevedo (University of California, Irvine - Center for Research on Teacher Development and Professional Practice)
Rossella Santagata (University of California, Irvine - Center for Research on Teacher Development and Professional Practice)
Rossella Santagata (University of California, Irvine - Center for Research on Teacher Development and Professional Practice)
Lisa O'Keeffe, Amie Albrecht, Bruce White, Chelsea Cutting (University of South Australia)
Lisa O'Keeffe, Amie Albrecht, Bruce White, Chelsea Cutting (University of South Australia)
Alessandra Rosa, Andrea Ciani (Università di Bologna - Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione)
Alessandra Rosa, Andrea Ciani (Università di Bologna - Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione)