MC2 Lab's Food for Thought

Ciclo di seminari dedicati alla ricerca dei processi mentali associati alla traduzione, all'interpretazione e ad altre forme di comunicazione. A cura del Dipartimento di Interpretazione e Traduzione

  • Data:

    15 OTTOBRE 2020
    13 MAGGIO 2021
  • Luogo: Online

  • Tipo: Seminari e convegni

Christian Olalla-Soler
Once upon a time... Measuring the history of translation, interpreting and cognition

Bogusława Whyatt
Directionality in translation and interpreting

Elisabet Tiselius
What's in a name? Would that which we call an interpreter by any other name talk as sweet?

Ana Ma. Rojo López
Not every translation decision is guided by logic—emotions also play a part

Sun Sanjun
Text complexity and translation difficulty

Álvaro Marín García (The making of translation experts), Sandra Halverson (First, fast, and frequent: what makes some translation choices easy?), Round table and closing remarks Ricardo Muñoz (The MC2 Lab as a hub for many a research enterprise)