University of Bologna Team


The University of Bologna was founded in 1088 and is considered to be the oldest university in Western Europe. Nowadays, it still remains one of the most important higher education institution across Europe with around 85.000 enrolled students, 11 Schools, 33 research departments, 6000 employees.

UNIBO is today the most internationalised of all Italian universities. The number of foreign students regularly enrolled is around 6000, while another 2000 arrive every year on international mobility programmes financed both by the EU (e.g. Erasmus +) and by UNIBO itself. The number of outgoing students on study grants is more than 2000 per year. The academic offer is composed of around 200 Bachelor and MA programmes (46 of which are joint programmes and 36 of which are completely taught in English) and 41 Doctoral Programmes.

Aware of its own international dimension by history and vocation, UNIBO undertakes to consolidate and increase the internationalization of its scientific and learning programs and its organization. For this purpose, it promotes mobility and cooperation among universities from different Countries, dialoguing with the most qualified international scientific and cultural institutions. UNIBO has a distinct, dynamic internationalization plan and, in this framework, fosters the institutional participation in several EU programs (EuropeAid, ERASMUS + , Horizon2020 in primis), networks (e.g. Coimbra Group and Utrecht Network) and initiatives on internationalization of higher education and development cooperation.

GIOVANNA FILIPPINI, Toolkit Project Director. Giovanna Filippini is the Director of International Relations Division at the University of Bologna. She graduated in Business Administration at Bocconi University, Milan.She has been the head of the International Relations Division since 1999 and has been working for the University of Bologna with administrative responsibilities since 1993. Her main expertise is the management of international relations, focusing on student mobility, joint degree programmes, students’ services, ECTS system and Bologna process.She has been taking part in some European projects focused on university administration issues, such as JOIMAN and JOI.CON (Management of Joint programs), EMQT (Erasmus Mobility Quality Tools), QACEP (Quality Assurance in Continuing Education Programmes). She chairs the Education, Training and Mobility task force of the Coimbra Group and was the delegate appointed by the Italian Minister of Education in the Working group “Mobility” in the Bologna Follow Up Group.

FRANCA MARIA MURA, Toolkit Coordination Team. Franca Maria Mura has been working in the International Relations Area for almost 20 years. Ms. Mura started as an office advisor for outbound student mobility towards North and South America, Asia, Australia and New Zealand, then she was appointed head of the international relations unit managing students mobility towards non EU countries. As a head of office she has been involved in implementing dedicated services to incoming students from Asian countries. Since 2012,  Ms. Mura is working as vice head of the Area Unit dedicated to relations with Asia, Australia, North America, Russia,  East Neighbouring Countries. She is in charge of partnership negotiation, general management of Erasmus+ ICM targeted at Asian Countries.