WP1 - Baseline study on International Strategies in Asia and its practices

The overarching aim of WP1 is to consolidate a clear and detailed picture regarding the state of current internationalization strategies, IRO structure (personal, budget, organisational charts), tools and actions pursued in the three Asian countries, in order to identify their main needs and priorities in such field. The outcomes of this WP guided the actions of the other WPs that aim at the creation of tailor made trainings and activities for the modernisation of the international relations of Asian HEIs.

1.1. Analysis of the existing policies and strategies and IRO status

TOOLKIT Coordination team conducted a research by collecting and analyzing relevant documents produced both by Ministries and International Organisations. The research included also the analysis of the information collected through a series of questionnaires submitted to both Asian partner Universities and Universities of the three Asian countries external to the TOOLKIT consortium.

1.2. Analysis of the existing EU funded project and their management difficulties

Questionnaires have been used in this case to investigate the status of international projects that Asian Partner Universities have currently in place, how they are managed and which are the main obstacles and needs to be ovecome in order to implement the partner institutions opportunities in the field. 

1.3. Analysis of the existing mobility flows and their management difficulties

The analysis focused on the current mobility flows, on the links existing between the HEIs located in Myanmar, Laos, and Sri Lanka and the regional and global academic community. 

1.4. Analysis of the needs and priorities expressed by target group

In this case questionnaires have been distributed to the target groups, professors and students to have a clear and detailed picture.

Questionnaires served as the main mean by which it was possible to collect real data about: the current situation, already existing strategies and projects, mobility flows currently linking these Universities with the global academic community, and also in terms of the most recurring needs expressed by the target groups and the further steps required towards a more effective internationalization process.

1.5. Final workshop on the needs and priorities of Asian HEIs

Data collected through the analysis have been included in the Report “Developing an Asian way to Internationalization: needs and priorities in Laos, Myanmar and Sri Lanka” used as the starting point for the development of the next Project's activities. The report has been presented and disseminated during the National Workshops held in Myanmar and Laos in January 2020 (see conferences for more details). One more national workshop in Sri Lanka has been organized in October 2020 in order to present and disseminate the report.

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