Seminario II, Ore 11.15
Parametrizing subvarieties of a given algebraic variety.
Seminario II, Ore 11.15
A gentle introduction to measurable cocycles, rigidity and recent advances
Seminario I, Ore 11.15
Sixfolds of generalized Kummer type and K3 surfaces
Seminario I, ore 11:00
Topics on modular sheaves
Seminario II, Ore 11.15
Hyperelliptic Odd Coverings
Seminario I, Ore 11.15
Double EPW-sextics with actions of A7 and irrational GM threefolds
Seminario II, ore 11:15
Discs and other surfaces in 4-manifolds
Seminario II, Ore 11.15
Symplectic rigidity of O'Grady tenfolds
Seminario II, Ore 11.15
The Hodge structure of O'Grady's singular symplectic varieties
Seminario II, Ore 11.15
On the topology of aspherical complex projective manifolds and related questions
Aula Arzelà, ore 11:00
Hyperkähler manifolds and Lagrangian fibrations (lecture 1)
Aula Arzelà, ore 11:00
Hopf monoids and polynomial invariants (first lecture)