aula Vitali, ore 11:15
On the (non-)uniqueness of minimal surfaces in hyperbolic three-space
aula Vitali, ore 11:15
Towards a Bernstein presentation of the affine Hecke category
aula Vitali, ore 11:15
Degenerating linear series on curves
aula Vitali, ore 11:15
Varietà iperboliche
Aula Seminario II, ore 15:00
Persistent homology, hypergraphs and geometric cycle matching
aula Vitali, ore 11:15
The 3D index and Dehn surgery
Aula Seminario II, ore 11:15
On finite generation in magnitude (co)homology, and its torsion
Aula Seminario II, ore 11:15
Alexander polynomials and symplectic curves in CP^2
Aula Seminario Ottavo Piano, ore 11:00
The Morrison-Kawamata cone conjecture for Enriques manifolds
Aula Seminario II, ore 11:15
Characterizations of semi-abelian varieties
Aula Seminario II, ore 11:15
The universal minimal flow of the homeomorphism group of the Menger curve
Aula Bombelli, ore 11:15
Deformation theory via DGLA and application to deformations of sheaf