Aula Bombelli, ore 11:15
Semiregularity maps and deformations of modules over Lie algebroids
Aula Bombelli, ore 11:15
A Feigin-Frenkel theorem with n singularities
Aula Bombelli, ore 11:15
Applications of Borel-definable methods to homological algebra of locally compact abelian groups
Aula Bombelli, ore 11:15
Noncommutative principal bundles and gauge transformations
Aula Bombelli, ore 11:15
Birational equivalence and deformation equivalence for Hyperkähler manifolds
Aula Bombelli, ore 11:15
An algorithmic method to compute plat-like Markov moves in genus two 3-manifolds
Aula Bombelli, ore 11:15
The combinatorics and algebra of the Chow ring of a matroid
Seminario II, ore 11:15
The cohomology class of the permutahedral variety
Seminario II, ore 11:15
Stable modular sheaves with moduli
Aula Bombelli, ore 11:15
[Rinviato] Foliazioni sulle varietà razionali omogenee
Aula Bombelli, ore 11:15
Loop braid groups and generalisations of Hecke algebras
Seminario II, ore 11:15
Shi arrangement and low element