SS3: Interdisciplinary work: make the team effective (10/06/24 - 17/07/24)

The programme will provide you the skills needed to manage communication, facilitate the work of and deal with issues possibly arising within an interdisciplinary research group. The school aims to provide students with a basic knowledge of interpersonal and strategic communication, in terms of boosting efficiency in a context of teamwork. Topics such as conflict resolution and negotiation or dysfunctions in a team will also be dealt with. Moreover, the birth of a team with its steps and peculiarities will be presented in order for students to unveil the foundational mechanisms underlying a good team environment and its consistency and harmony over time. Such piece of knowledge surpasses the declared aims of the programme providing thus means to improve real-life communication skills in all situations, far beyond work-related lieu.


Admission qualifications, Linguistic skills, Other requirements

Admission qualifications

Open to:  students (undergraduate and post-graduate) and non-students alike: no specific qualification is required for course admission. 

The School welcomes applications from students who are currently in at least their third year of study at the time of application. Undergraduate, master’s and PhD students are invited to apply.

This experience is designed for students from a wide range of disciplines and serves as an introduction to the field.

Candidates will be selected based on their background and motivation. The ideal candidate will have interest in research performed at level of European Research Infrastructures, as well as a willingness to learn and work collaboratively with other people from around the world. Priority will be given to those candidates who have or plan to have some experience related to RI (e.g. thesis preparation, position applicant).

Linguistic skills

The Summer School will be taught entirely in English.

Other requirements

Application deadline: July 1, 2024.
Selection results: July 7, 2024. 


The successful previous participation to the MOOC (Unit1) is not mandatory for the attendance to the Unit2.


N.B. - 1 : Attendance: either 100% online or 60% in presence (University of Bologna) + 40% online


N.B. - 2 : A certificate of attendance will be issued at the end of the Summer School upon completion of both Units. 
In return for participation in the Summer School, students may apply to their relevant Course of Study for the recognition of extra-curricular CFU in type D (free choice) in SSDs related to the themes of the pathway.  


Learning outcomes

 Upon the completion of the course, the students will be able to 

  • explain the fundamentals of the interpersonal communication process. 
  • list the main aspects that can influence the efficiency of a team. 

Study plan

Unit 1: 

Unit 1 - online

Course: Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) @ UNIBO
Methodology: self study
Duration: 5 weeks
Link for the MOOC:


Unit 2: - blended/in presence

Online asynchronous activity based on the movie "12 Angry Men" and the book "Six Thinking Hats".

  • Analysis of roles.
  • Strategic communication for common goals.

Deadline to complete the activity online: 30 July 2024


Solving problems. (Juan Luis Fuentes – Universidad Complutense de Madrid) 

  • Focused
  • Dysfunctions in a team and how to deal with them. 
  • Conflict resolution and negotiation. 
  • How trust can be restored if it is broken. 


Monday 15 July 2024  - Lectures

14.00-14.30 Registration and introduction (Monica Forni and Antonino Rotolo – University of Bologna)  

14.30-18.30 Interpersonal communication process (Juan Luis Fuentes – Universidad Complutense de Madrid) 

  • The social brain. 
  • Intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence 
  • The neural wifi: how it influences creating 


Tuesday 16 July 2024  - Lectures

9.00 – 13.00 Team characteristics and efficiency. (Juan Luis Fuentes – Universidad Complutense de Madrid) 

  • Characteristics and differences between a work group and a team. When is one necessary and when is the other. 
  • Stages in the formation of teams and characteristic situations that occur in them. 
  • Team alliance and values 


Tuesday 16 July 2024 - Group work

14.00 – 18.00 The ¡¡E.E.H!! tool to be a good team player





Deadline 1/07/2024

Fill up the form to participate to the selection process