SS1: Innovation, entrepreneurship and engagement with industry (1/07/24 -3/07/24)

The programme will address questions like “What is an invention?” and will help participants understand how to valorise entrepreneurship for innovation and an increased impact of the RI or CF on society. Moreover, the pathways and the elements to constitute successful and sustainable relationships between industry and the facilities will be elucidated, getting the message across on how to overcome major barriers by leveraging on the added value for a successful engagement. Among the major topics of the School, participants will deal with concepts such as proper and tailored engagement strategy, intellectual property and protection of ideas, communication of inventions to differents stakeholder. The strong interdisciplinary approach of this course will be able to expand participants’ soft skills and make them proper counterparts to engage in fruitful communication with various stakeholders, especially in the private sector.


Admission qualifications, Linguistic skills, Other requirements

Admission qualifications

Open to:  master students (undergraduate and post-graduate) PhDs and non-students alike (no specific qualification is required for course admission). 

This experience is designed for students from a wide range of disciplines and serves as an introduction to the field.

Candidates will be selected based on their background and motivation. The ideal candidate will have interest in research performed at level of European Research Infrastructures, as well as a willingness to learn and work collaboratively with other people from around the world. Priority will be given to those candidates who have or plan to have some experience related to RI (e.g. thesis preparation, position applicant).

Linguistic skills

The Summer School will be taught entirely in English.

Other requirements

Application deadline: June 10, 2024.

Selection results: June 20, 2024. 


A certificate of attendance will be issued at the end of the Summer School upon completion of both Units.

N.B. - 1: Attendance: 100% online

N.B. - 2: In return for participation in the Summer School, students may apply to their relevant Course of Study for the recognition of extra-curricular CFU in type D (free choice) in SSDs related to the themes of the pathway.


Learning Outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to be able to: 

  • Contextualise the role of RI and CF in the overall contribution to Innovation 
  • Describe different industry stakeholders based on characteristics including: sector, main activity, company size, or service needs to define a tailored engagement strategy and define an adopted define a proper engagement strategy 
  • Describe the importance of industry engagement for public stakeholders and the main barriers to such engagement 
  • Explain the main drivers, motivation, constraints and cultural differences in organizations and how they influence collaboration. 
  • Explain what it takes to commit oneself and take on a role as an innovator. 
  • Describe how to protect your ideas (intellectual property, patent strategy, licensing, contracts, patent search), 
  • Describe how to present your ideas, as well as give and receive feedback (” Elevator pitch”. The last day of the course is organized as a “value creation forum”) 
  • Describe how to communicate an invention to different stakeholders in society and write a popular science text 
  • Explain how to present scientific matters in a way likely to interest the private sector 
  • Describe potential actions for an industry engagement strategy 
  • Describe the diversity of needs and potentials when approaching the private sector
  • Distinguish between activities to be carried out by a RI/CF and others that can be supported externally 
  • Explain how to negotiate boundaries in industry / academia 

Study plan

Monday 1 July 2024 - From Creativity to Entrepreneurship – Innovation - online

13.00-13.30 Registration and introduction (Monica Forni and Antonino Rotolo – University of Bologna, Julia Fernandez- Rodriguez – University of Goteborg)  

13.30-14.00 Core Facilities and Research Infrastructures - Julia Fernandez- Rodriguez – University of Goteborg

14.00- 14.15 Break

14.15- 15.00 Creativity - Antonino Rotolo – University of Bologna

15.00- 15.15 Break

15.15- 16.00 Understand the definition of innovation from CF & RI perspectives. Types of innovation. Exploit effectively processes and tools for stimulating innovation and value creaation (what is innovation, prerequisites for utilization and value creation of research results, design thinking). Master the main strategies to stimulate and sustain innovation - David Eggleton –University of Sussex Business School

16.00- 16.15 Break

16.15- 16.45 CF Show-cases

16.45-17.00 Open discussion


Tuesday 2 July 2024 - From Creativity to Entrepreneurship - Entrepreneurial venture. online

13.00 – 13.15 Introduction - Julia Fernandez- Rodriguez – University of Goteborg

13.15 - 14.00 CF and RI as Innovators Hubs - Julia Fernandez- Rodriguez – University of Goteborg

14.00 - 14.15 Break

14.15 - 15.00 Understanding the basic concepts of Entrepreurnship. What is an Entrepreneur? Understand the Decision Making process. Identify and evaluate new businessideas: the role of investors. Fabio Ledda – University of Trento

15.00 - 15.30 Break

15.30 - 16.00 How to promote knowledge exchange and technology transfer. Understand the interplay between inventionand entrepreneurship: how to transform an invention into a useful product for society. - Ennio Capria European Synchrotron (ESRF)

16.00 - 16.15 Break

16.15 - 16.45 CF Show-cases

16.45-17.00 Open discussion


Wednesday 3 July 2024 - Engagement with industry - online

13.00 – 17.00  (Ennio Capria, Ed Mitchell and Julia Fernandez- Rodriguez – University of Goteborg) on line

17.00 – 17.30 Conclusion remarks (Monica Forni, Antonino Rotolo and Julia Fernandez Rodriguez) on line



Deadline 15/06/2024

Fill up the form to participate to the selection process