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REwaRd - Resonant metamaterial-based Earthquake Risk mitigation of large-scale structures and infrastructures
State of the art
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Testing Campaign
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Phase I: T0
Phase I: T1a
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Phase I: T1a
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Phase I: T1a
Experimental test setup photos for the barrier with dead-mass on soil (T1a).
MASW across the 5X10 grid of non-resonating mass over the soil surface (2.8 m X 6.3 m) (dead-mass, T1a settings)
Plastic barrels filled with sand and equivalent weight of approximately 100 kg present dead-masses of setting T01.
Vibro-impactor source excites seismic surface waves along the symmetry line of the grid.
Sledgehammer source used for seismic wave excitation at different positions.
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