15 March 2022: Dr. Isola Clara Macchia, The EU and its ‘New Generation’ Free Trade Agreements. The History behind the European approach and the latest developments. (Campus Bologna)
16 March 2022: Prof. Olena Nihreieva, Enforcing Regional Agreements: the EU/Ukraine Dispute on Export Restrictions on Wood Products. How to balance Free Trade with Environmental Concerns. (Campus Bologna)
22 March 2022: Prof. Tonia Novitz, Sustainable Labour Conditionality in EU Free Trade Agreements? Implications of the EU-Korea Expert Panel Report. (Campus Bologna)
23 March 2022: Dr. Ludovica Mulas, The GATS Agreement and the WTO Case-Law on Financial Services. (Campus Bologna)
28, 29, 30 March 2022: Prof. Dr. Frank Altemöller, The Future of the World Trade System and Multilateralism after the “Blockade” of the WTO Appellate Body. (Campus Bologna)
6 April 2022: Prof. Gian Maria Farnelli, The EU and the ‘Greening’ of the Energy Charter Treaty: towards the Protection and Promotion of Clean Energy. (Campus Bologna)
11 April 2022: Prof. Gian Maria Farnelli, The EU Approach on Transparency in International Litigation on Investments. (Campus Bologna)
12 April 2022: Dr. Simona Caselli, The EU Trade Policy and the Green New Deal. (Campus Bologna)
22 April 2022: Dr. Simona Rubbi, The Opportunities for Italian Fruit and Veg Beyond the European Markets. (Campus Bologna)
3 May 2022: Prof. Alessandra Castellini, EU trade policy and economic integration: definition and effects.(Campus Bologna)
18 May 2022: Prof. Frank Altemöller, Prof. Olena Nihreieva, Prof. Elisa Baroncini, Economic Responses and International Economic Law. The Russia / Ukraine Conflict.(Campus Bologna)
24 October 2022: DIEcon Profs. and special guests, Transparency, Civil Society and International Economic Law: The Approach of the European Union. (Campus Bologna)
14 December 2022: Phd Researchers Tine Deschuytere, Isola Clara Macchia and Justine Muller from the International Economic Law and Policy Working Group (IELP WG) of the European University Institute. Looking for Sustainability in the Global Economy: The New Generation of EU Free Trade Agreements. (Campus Bologna)
15 December 2022: Prof. Elisa Baroncini, Prof. Stephanie Triefus, Prof. Klara Polackova Van der Ploeg, Prof. Lorena Muñoz Carmona, Prof. Ludovica Chiussi Curzi: Human Rights Due Diligence – Taking Stock. (online)
03 February 2023: Prof. Giorgio Sacerdoti, Prof. James Bacchus, Prof. Peter Van Den Bossche and Prof. Weihuan Zhou: Webinar National Security, the Rule of Law, and the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism: Comparing the US, EU and Chinese Approach. (online)
13 March 2023: Pierfrancesco Mattiolo (University of Antwerp, Belgium), How to deal with foreign subsidies? A Hamlet question for the EU. (Campus Bologna)
15 March 2023: Dr. Andrea Mensi, Indigenous Peoples, Natural Resources and the Permanent Sovereignty of States. (Campus Ravenna)
16 March 2023: Adv. Klarissa Martins Sckayer Abicalam (University of Bologna), 5th Sustainable Development Goal: Achieve Gender Equality and Empower all Women and Girls. (Campus Ravenna)
20 March 2023: Dr. Stefanie Schacherer, Sustainable Development in EU Foreign Investment Law. (Campus Bologna)
21 March 2023: Dr. Stefanie Schacherer, Financing the Net Zero Transition: Opportunities and Limits of International Investment Law. (Campus Bologna)
27, 28 and 29 March 2023: PhD Candidate Agata Daszko, Re-Globe Seminar Series - The Energy Charter Treaty: The Past, the Present and the Future. (Campus Bologna)
03 April 2023: Prof. Carlo de Stefano - Roma Tre University - International Investment Law and Climate Change. (Campus Bologna)
05 April 2023: Adv. Klarissa Martins Sckayer Abicalam, Women's Empowerment through International Trade. (Campus Bologna)
05 April 2023: Dr. Andrea Mensi, The Role of Civil Society in Promoting the Respect of Sustainable Development Principles in Preferential Trade Agreements. (Campus Ravenna)
13 April 2023: Alessandro Antimiani (European Commission), The EU Trade Policyandthe AgrifoodMarkets. (Campus Bologna)
03 May 2023: Dr. Valerio Filetti (President of A.G.E.R. Bologna Commodity Exchange), The EU Agricultural Commodity Market and Trade. (Campus Bologna)
09 May 2023: SIDI DIEcon (the Interest Group in International Economic Law of the Italian Society of International Law) and SELA (the Swiss Energy Law Association), The Modern World of Subsidies, Counter-Subsidies and the Reactions to Them All. (online)
16 May 2023: Prof. Paolo de Castro, The New EU Regulation for GI Products on the International Markets. (Campus Bologna)
08 June 2023: SIDI DIEcon (the Interest Group in International Economic Law of the Italian Society of International Law), Recenti Sviluppi e Prospettive nel Diritto Internazionale dell’Economia: Un’analisi alla Luce dei Sustainable Development Goals dell’Agenda 2030 delle Nazioni Unite.
19 January 2024: Mirko Camanna, Michal Plšek and Alexandros Bakos Catalin, Sustainable Development and International Investment Law. (online)
04, 05 and 06 March 2024: Patrick Abel (University of Passau and European University Institute), International and EU Energy Law. (campus Bologna)
18 and 19 March 2024: Federico Siscaro (International Relations Officer at the Italian Customs Agency), Navigating Global Shifts: Analysing the Emergence and Development of Open Strategic Autonomy in EU Policy Dynamics and Its Nexus with the Advancement of Sustainable Development; The EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: Background, Functioning and Impact. (campus Bologna)
26 March 2024: Pierfrancesco Mattiolo (University of Antwerp), How to avoid a global subsidy race? The EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation. (campus Bologna)
27 March 2024: Dr. Monika Feigerlová (Institute of State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences /Centre for Climate Law and Sustainability Studies), Climate Neutrality in International Investment Law. (campus Bologna)
08 April 2024: Prof. Ludovica Chiussi Curzi (University of Bologna), Dr. Federica Agostini (European University Institute), Dr. Tiziano Bussani (University of Milan), Dr. Marco Argentini (University of Bologna), Sustainable Development and International Finance: The EU Approach. (campus Bologna)
09 April 2024: Klarissa Martins Sckayer Abicalam (University of Bologna), International Economic Law and Women Empowerment: The EU Approach. (campus Bologna)
15 April 2024: Alina Funk (University of Hamburg), Recent Challenges for Economic Self-determination of Peoples: From Sovereignty over Renewable Resources to Trading in a Time of Armed Conflict. (campus Bologna)
07 May 2024: Prof. Alessandra Castellini (DISTAL - UNIBO) e Dott.ssa Simona Rubbi, Il Percorso di Internazionalizzazione dell’Ortofrutta Italiana sui Mercati UE ed Extra-UE. (DISTAL - UNIBO)
08 May 2024: Prof. Andrés Delgado (Universidad Autónoma de Chile), The External Dimension of the EU's Critical Raw Materials Regulation. (campus Bologna)
14 May 2024: Tine Deschuytere, Isola Clara Macchia, Justine Muller (European University Institute), The European Approach to Trade and Sustainable Development: Taking Stock in 2024. (campus Bologna)
16 May 2024: Prof.ssa Alessandra Castellini (DISTAL - UNIBO), Il percorso di integrazione economica dell'UE: obiettivi e caratteristiche; Valerio Filetti (Presidente di AGER Borsa Merci Bologna), Le Borse merci agricole, mercati a pronti e a termine per la gestione internazionale delle commodities ( DISTAL - UNIBO)
25 September 2024: Prof. Prof. Jaime Tijmes (Universidad de la Frontera - Chile) and Dr. Niccolò Lanzoni (Unibo), International Law Where Is It Going to Go? The EU Approach to the International Law on Sustainable Development (campus Ravenna).
01 October 2024: Alessandra Quarta, PhD Candidate, University of Bologna, Cultural Heritage in the New Generation of EU Preferential Trade Agreements. (campus Ravenna)
15 October 2024: Prof. Gian Maria Farnelli, University of Bologna, Substantialising ‘Sustainable Development’ through Investment Law and Arbitration: The EU Approach. (campus Bologna)
21 October 2024: Dr. Niccolò Lanzoni, Postdoc Researcher, Adjunct Professor, University of Bologna, Incorporating Soft-law Instruments on Corporate Social Responsibility in Preferential Trade Agreements to Which the EU is a Party: Legal Value and Concrete Effects. (campus Ravenna)
28 October 2024: Klarissa Martins Sckayer Abicalam, PhD Candidate, University of Bologna, Women, Trade and Sustainable Development – The EU Approach. (campus Ravenna)
29 October 2024: Giulia Bortino, Policy Intern, Europa Nostra (Brussels Office), Protecting World Cultural and Natural Heritage in Danger. A pathway between International Law, European Law and Sustainable Development. (campus Ravenna)
06 November 2024: Dr. Monika Feigerlová Senior Researcher, Institute of State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Centre for Climate Law and Sustainability Studies, Visiting Researcher at the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Bologna within the actvities of the Excellent University Departments Project, Corporate Climate Litigation. (campus Ravenna)
19 November 2024: Dr.Monika Feigerlová Senior Researcher, Institute of State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Centre for Climate Law and Sustainability Studies, Visiting Researcher at the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Bologna within the actvities of the Excellent University Departments Project, Sustainability through Corporate Human Rights Due Diligence. (campus Bologna)
20 November 2024: Prof. Elisa Baroncini, University of Bologna, Re-Globe Coordinator, Enforcing Sustainability in the EU PTAs: the Role of Private Parties. (campus Bologna)
21 November 2024: Loes Van Dijk (Climate Court), Dr. Ludovica Chiussi (Università di Bologna), Dr.Monika Feigerlová Senior Researcher (Institute of State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences), Dr. Niccolò Lanzoni (Università di Bologna), Simon Töpfer (Löning - Human Rights & Responsible Business), Andrea Cerofolini (Università di Bologna), Eleonora Vita (Università di Bologna), Unpacking the Dutch Court of Appeal Ruling on Shell. (campus Bologna)
26 November 2024: Robert Lodde, PhD Candidate, University of Münster, AfCFTA - Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility. (campus Bologna)
28 November 2024: Dr. Niccolò Lanzoni, Postdoc Researcher, Adjunct Professor, University of Bologna, The Legal Value and Practical Effects of Referring to CSR Soft-law Instruments in PTAs Involving the EU: Open Questions and Tentative Answers. (campus Bologna)
07 February 2025: Lukas Schaupp, Miguel Mota Delgado, Isola Clara Macchia (Department of Law of European University Institute); Discussant Areg Navasartian (Université Libre de Bruxelles), The New Strategy for Economic Security of the EU Trade Policy: First Steps and Implications in International Law. (online)
The history behind the European approach and the latest developments
Re-Globe Seminar: Enforcing Regional Agreements: the EU/Ukraine Dispute on Export Restrictions on Wood Products. How to balance Free Trade with Environmental Concerns
Topic presented by Professor Elisa Baroncini (University of Bologna).
Topic presented by Mrs. Serra Ayral, Counsellor in the Trade and Environment Division of the WTO.
Topic presented by Kilian Wagner (University of Vienna).
Topic presented by Prof. Luca Rubbini (Università di Torino)
Topic presented by Dr. Marina Trunk-Fedorova, IELPO LL.M. (Univ. Barcelona)
Sustainable development as a legally binding objective: what implications for EU trade and investment policies?
Explaining the European approach to enforcing sustainable development standards in EU FTAs: history and latest developments
Dealing with EU imported biodiversity loss - the gaps and overlaps between the negative impact of trade on biodiversity and environmental provisions in EU Free Trade Agreements.
We kindly ask for the participants to answer this questionnaire and send by email to klarissa.martins2@unibo.it
We kindly ask for the participants to answer this questionnaire and send by email to klarissa.martins2@unibo.it
Webinar's Poster and Biography of the Speakers.
The Black Hole of National Security
Echoing Trump, Biden Embraces International Trade Lawlessness
Trade vs. Security: Recent Developments of Global Trade Rules and China’s Policy and Regulatory Responses from Defensive to Proactive
"The Unilateralization of Trade Governance: Constructive, Reconstructive, and Deconstructive Unilateralism" from the Economy Economic Law and Policy Blog
"If I were an Appellate Body. Post 1" From the International Economic Law and Policy Blog
Webinar's Poster and Biography of the Speakers.
Abstract and Short Bio Pierfrancesco Mattiolo
Abstract and Short Bio Stefanie Schacherer
Sustainable Development in EU Foreign Investment Law
Financing the Net Zero Transition: Opportunities and Limits of International Investment Law
Poster with Abstract and Short Bio Agata Daszko
Lecture 1: “Learning from the Past: History, functions and objectives of the ECT”
Lecture 2: “Considering the Present: Overview of the current case law and other legal developments under the ECT”.
Abstract and short bio Prof. Carlo de Stefano.
Absctract and short bio Adv. Klarissa Martins.
Poster with Abstract and short bio Dr. Andrea Mensi.
Abstract and short bio Alessandro Antimiani
"Eye for an eye”. The Modern World of Subsidies, Counter-Subsidies and the Reactions to Them All
The Modern World of Subsidies, Counter-Subsidies and the Reactions to Them All.
Corporate Subsidies & World Trade:Evidence from the Global Trade Alert Subsidy Inventory 2.0
Industrial Policy for Electric Vehicle Supply Chains and the US-EU Fight Over the Inflation Reduction Act.
presented by Klarissa Martins
Presented by Dott. Mirko Camanna, Università di Pavia.
Topics and Speakers: Sustainable Investment and Land Grabbing (Mirko Camanna - University of Pavia); Sustainable Development Goals and International Investment: In Pursuit of Compatibility (Michal Plšek - University of Milano Bicocca); How Sustainable Development Can Drive a Change in the Paradigm Underlying Investment Treaties (Alexandros Bakos Catalin - City University of London)
Dr. Patrick Abel - University of Passau and European University Institute
Special Seminars with Federico Siscaro (International Relations Officer at the Italian Customs Agency)
Special Seminar with Pierfrancesco Mattiolo (University of Antwerp)
Special Seminar with Dr. Monika Feigerlová - Institute of State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences /Centre for Climate Law and Sustainability Studies
Chair: Prof. Elisa Baroncini (University of Bologna, Re-Globe Coordinator), Discussant: Prof. Ludovica Chiussi Curzi (University of Bologna); Speakers: Dr. Tiziano Bussani (University of Milan), Dr. Federica Agostini (European University Institute), Dr. Marco Argentini (University of Bologna).
Ph.D. Tiziano Bussani
Ph.D. Federica Agostini
Ph.D. Marco Argentini
Special Seminar with Klarissa Martins - University of Bologna
Special Seminar with Alina Funk - University of Hamburg
Seminar with Prof. Alessandra Castellini and Dr. Simona Rubbi.
Seminar with Prof. Andrés Delgado (Universidad Autónoma de Chile)
Presented by Justine Muller - PhD Researcher of the European University Institute
Presentation by Isola Clara Macchia (Ph.D. Researcher in Law European University Institute)
Seminar with Prof. Prof. Jaime Tijmes (Universidad de la Frontera - Chile) and Dr. Niccolò Lanzoni (Unibo).
Cultural Heritage in the New Generation of EU Preferential Trade Agreements
Seminar with Prof. Gian Maria Farnelli (University of Bologna)
Seminar with Dr. Monika Feigerlová, Senior Researcher at the Institute of State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Centre for Climate Law and Sustainability Studies.
Sustainability through Corporate Human Rights Due Diligence
The Trade and Sustainable Development Chapters in the New Generation of the EU FTAs
AfCFTA – Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility
Legal Value and Practical Effects of Referring to CSR Soft-law Instruments in PTAs Involving the EU: Open Questions and Tentative Answers
Round Table with Loes Van Dijk (Climate Court), Dr. Ludovica Chiussi (Università di Bologna), Dr.Monika Feigerlová Senior Researcher (Institute of State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences), Dr. Niccolò Lanzoni (Università di Bologna), Simon Töpfer (Löning - Human Rights & Responsible Business), Andrea Cerofolini (Università di Bologna), Eleonora Vita (Università di Bologna). Mediator: Dr. Susanna Villani Introduction Remarks: Prof. Elisa Baroncini
Webinar with Lukas Schaupp, Miguel Mota Delgado, Isola Clara Macchia (Department of Law of European University Institute); Discussant Areg Navasartian (Université libre de Bruxelles), introductory Remarks Prof. Elisa Baroncini (Re-Globe Coordinator, University of Bologna).
Balancing Power: EU Economic Security and International Trade
Economic Security Meets Sustainable Trade: Integrating Economic Security into EU Trade Agreements