Women’s Economic Empowerment in the WTO System and the EU Approach
Autonomy and Coherence in the EU External Relations
Enforcing Sustainability in the EU PTAs: The Role of Private Parties
Incorporating Corporate Social Responsibility in the New EU PTAs
Ravenna International Conference on Sustainable Development as Fundamental Pillar of Economic Governance and Public Affairs
Influence of Environmental Provisions in the Decision-Making Process of Investor-State Arbitration: Viewing through Dworkin’s Lens
Comparing Approaches to Integrate Sustainable Development Provisions in International Investments Agreements: two Sides of the Same Coin
A Changing Landscape: “Facilitation” of Foreign Investments for Sustainable Development
Same Same but Different: A Way in for the Paris Agreement via General Exceptions in Investment Agreements
Mandatory Due Diligence Laws and Corporate Climate Responsibility in International Investment Law
Using Scientific Knowledge to Combat the 'Chilling Effect' of Investor-State Disputes on Climate Policies
Industry 4.0 in the Maritime Sector as a Driver for Sustainable Development: Legal Considerations on Smart Ports
The European Union between Sustainable Development and Open Strategic Atonomy. Prospects for Action in the Light of the 2023 Strategic Foresight Report
The EU Approach to ‘Global Value Chain Regulation’: A Seismic Shift in How EU Trade Policy Interacts with the SDGs?
Deforestation and Sustainability in the Cocoa Sector: Analysing the Role of the EU’s Deforestation Regulation
International Cooperation on Border Carbon Adjustment Mechanisms: Time for Action for the WTO
From Energy Security to Energy Sustainability in EU PTAs
The Energy Charter Treaty 2.0 and Sustainable Development
Nuclear Fusion as a Black Swan in the IIL Framework for Sustainable Energy
Renewable Energy Communities: a Tool for the Enhancement of the Territory, Businesses and Citizens
The Role of Cooperatives in the Just Energy Transition in South Africa
Is an Inclusive and Sustainable Multilateralism Possible? In Search of a New Global Economic Governance
Successful Integration of Climate Disclosure Standards in the Paris Agreement: a Test for the Operationalization of Sustainable Development in Law
Turning over a New Leaf of International Trade: Eco-trade Policies at the WTO
Indonesia and Malaysia vs EU Biofuel Regime – WTO Litigation and Indications for EU Green Deal
Sustainable Development Chapters in Trade Agreements:an Emergent Underlying Governing Principle or Social Greenwashing?
The Promotion of Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in the EU's New Trade Agenda
Cultural Heritage Protection and Promotion in the EU FTAs
Navigating the Path to Sustainable Development: A Critical Examination of Civil Society Engagement with Accountability Mechanisms of Multilateral Development Banks
Mainstreaming Social Sustainable Development objectives in the EU Free Trade Agreements Possible Legal Implementations in the Case of Labour Standards
The Single Entry Point as an Instrument to Ensure the Participation of Civil Society in the Implementation of TSD Chapters in EU PTAs: Limits and Potentialities
Removing the Blindfold: An analysis of the Practice of the Civil Society Mechanism in the EU FTAs in Light of the EU-Colombia FTA Example
Venue: Sala delle Armi, Palazzo Malvezzi, via Zamboni 22, Bologna.
Conference and Research Group Presentation by the Organizing Committee: Andrea Mensi (University of Bologna), Francisco Pereira Coutinho and João Francisco Diogo (Nova School of Law, Universidade Nova de Lisboa) on the Western Sahara in the International Legal Order.
Topic presented by Mrs. Serra Ayral, Counsellor in the Trade and Environment Division of the WTO
Topic presented by Prof. Luca Rubbini (Università di Torino)
Topic presented by Kilian Wagner (University of Vienna)
Topic presented by Dr. Marina Trunk-Fedorova, IELPO LL.M. (University of Barcelona)
Topic presented by Professor Elisa Baroncini (University of Bologna)