
  • Bunch of camelina

  • Autumn Sown

  • Autumn Sown

  • Autumn Sown

  • Camelina Sativa

  • Bee

  • Camelina, flowers

  • Field

  • Ladybug

  • Large field of camelina in bloom (Task 2.2)

  • Field

  • Camelina Sativa

  • Pods

  • Harvest

  • Camelina

  • Seeds

  • Japanese quails

  • Quail (Coturnix Japonica)

  • Eggs

The Project

In the actual scenario of lack of vegetable raw materials for animal feeding and scarcity of crop alternatives for farmers, the rationale behind Argento project is a win-win story. Camelina represents an alternative oilcrop to be introduced into cereal-based cropping systems, able to grow with low environmental footprint and to source valuable seed cake for poultry feeding (i.e. quails) to produce healthy meat and eggs.

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Focus: Camelina

Differently from other widely cultivated Brassicaceae,
camelina owns a unique seed composition with relevant oil (40-42%) and protein contents (25-28%),
accompanied by unique oil profile (-linolenic acid up to >35%,
tocopherols 800-1000 ppm, erucic acid <4%),
thus making its seeds highly suitable for a variety of feed, food or non-food applications.

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