University of Bologna

Department of Industrial Chemistry

The activity of the RU-UNIBO will concern the characterization of the synthesized HEO material (made by the RU-UNIRC). The following analytic techniques will be used: MP-AES, SEM, XRD, TGA, NMR. Also, the RU will lead the operando XAS characterization and data analysis, including writing of beam time proposals for the large-scale facilities (synchrotrons) and running of experiments.  The role of this unit also involves the computational modelling, led by Prof. Luca Muccioli. 

As a subcontracting unit of this RU, ELETTRA will provide collaboration for the XAS and XRD experiment, consulting, and data analysis.


Team di progetto

Marco Giorgetti, Luca Muccioli, Mariam Maisuradze, Min Li

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