Aula Giorgio Prodi - San Giovanni In Monte 2 - In presence and online event
Two-day workshop
Sala Giunta, Via Cartoleria 5, 40124 Bologna, Italia - In presence and online event
The workshop brings together an international collective of specialists on literary and intellectual history of the Russian Empire to discuss the basic concepts used in literary criticism in 19th century and what they can tell about the political, social and cultural situation in the Russian Empire.
Waseda University Brussels Office
Organized with Waseda University, this multi-day workshop will bring together Europe-based scholars of modern Japanese literature and culture
AULA 1, Palazzo Poggi, Via Zamboni 33 Bologna - In presence and online event
Can comparative literary studies outlive a fundamental commitment to think through difference of, in, and across languages? This two-day workshop brings together responses by scholars working in comparative poetics, critical theory, and translation studies, broadly construed.
Sala Giunta, Via Cartoleria 5
Speaker: Naomi Charlotte Fukuzawa Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Bologna (NONWESTLIT)
Sala Giunta LILEC, Via Cartoleria 5 - In presence and online event
Dr. Taka Oshikiri Lecturer in Asian History at the University of the West Indies, Mona Visiting Professor, LILEC, University of Bologna (NONWESTLIT
Sala Giunta Lilec - In presence and online event
Sala Giunta LILEC, Via Cartoleria 5 - In presence and online event
Speaker: Prof. Caglar Keyder, State University of New York
Sala Giunta LILEC, Via Cartoleria 5 - In presence and online event
Presenters: Gokcen Gokceoglu, PhD candidate, Computer Engineering, METU; Chair: Asst. Prof. Emre Akbas, Computer Engineering, METU; Ozen Dolcerocca, LILEC, UNIBO
Sala Giunta LILEC, Via Cartoleria 5 - In presence and online event
Presenters: Jennifer Flaherty (University of Bologna); Kirill Ospovat (University of Madison- Wisconsin); Ozen Dolcerocca (University of Bologna), Harsha Ram (University of California- Berkeley); Alexei Evstratov (University of Grenoble)
Sala Convegni LILEC, Via Cartoleria 5 - In presence and online event
Speaker: Emily Apter (Professor of French and Comparative Literature, New York University)