Lab News

Semeh Bejaoui joins the lab as postdoctoral researcher (February 2025)

Enrico Nanetti wins a postdoctoral fellow in the lab (January 2025)

Paula Martìnez Lara joins the lab as visiting graduate student from the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) for 3 months (September 2024)

Malgorzata Ostrowska joins the lab as visiting researcher from the Up-Lublin University (Poland) for 1 month (September 2024)

Federica D'Amico wins a postdoctoral fellow in the lab (March 2024)

Congratulations to post-doctoral Researcher, Daniel Scicchitano, on his new job as Junior Assistant Professor (RTDA), here in the lab. (February 2024)

Nicolò Cinti wins a position as a PhD student in the lab (November 2023)

Lucia Foresto wins a position as a PhD student in the lab (November 2023)

Congratulations to Daniel Scicchitano for his PhD (May 2023)

Giorgia Procaccianti joins the lab as a PhD candidate (March 2023)

Lucia Foresto wins a research fellow in the lab (March 2023)

Elena Radaelli joins the lab as a PhD candidate (March 2023)

Daniela Leuzzi joins the lab as a PhD candidate (March 2023)

Daniel Scicchitano wins a postdoctoral fellow in the lab (February 2023)

Congratulations to post-doctoral Researcher, Monica Barone, on her new job as Junior Assistant Professor (RTDA) at the Microbiomics unit. (February 2023)

Sara Roggiani joins the Microbiomics Unit as PhD student (November 2022)

Giulia Trapella e Andrea Dell'Acqua win a PhD position in the lab (November 2022) 

Giulia Trapella and Nicolò Cinti win a research fellow in the lab (July 2022)

Congratulations to Giorgia Palladino for her PhD (May 2022)

Giulia Trapella joins the lab as graduate student (February 2022)

Giorgia Palladino wins a postdoctoral fellow in the lab (February 2022)

Mariachiara Mengoli joins the Microbiomics Unit as PhD students (January 2022)

Enrico Nanetti joins the lab as a PhD candidate (January 2022)

Congratulations to Elena Biagi, for her new job as Senior Assistant Professor (RTDB) at the Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering (DICAM) of the University of Bologna. (November 2021)

Gabriele Conti joins the Microbiomics Unit as PhD students (November 2021)

Congratulation to Silvia Turroni for her new position here in the lab as Associate Professor (October 2021).

Faiga Magzal joins the lab as a visiting Researcher from MIGAL Research Institute, Kiryat Shmona, Israel, for 6 months (September 2021)

Congratulations to Teresa Tavella, for her new job as bioinformatician at the IRCCCS Ospedale San Raffaele!

Congratulations to Federica D'Amico and Teresa Tavella for their PhD (May 2021)

Giuseppe Sciara joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow (March 2021)

Federica D'Amico wins a postdoctoral fellow at the Microbiomics Unit (January 2021)

Marco Fabbrini joins the Microbiomics Unit as a PhD student (November 2020)

Congratulations to Prof. Patrizia Brigidi for founding the new Microbiomics Unit at the Department of Medical and Surgical Science (September 2020)

Congratulations to post-doctoral Researcher, Simone Rampelli, on his new job as Junior Assistant Professor (RTDA) here in the lab. He starts in July. (June 2020)

Congratulations to Monica Barone and Matteo Soverini for their PhD (April 2020)

Monica Barone wins a postdoctoral fellow at the Microbiomics Unit (December 2019)

Congratulations to departing PhD, Matteo Soverini, on his new job as postdoctoral researcher at the Copenhagen Studies on Asthma in Childhood (COPSAC) Institute, Copenhagen (DK). He starts in December. (November 2019)

Daniel Scicchitano joins the lab as a PhD candidate (November 2019)

Congratulations to post-doctoral Researcher, Elena Biagi, on her new job as Junior Assistant Professor (RTDA) here in the lab. She starts in December. (October 2019)

Inmaculada Acuna Morales joins the lab as a PhD visiting student from University of Granada, Granada, Spain, for 3 months (May 2019)

Giorgia Palladino and Margherita Musella join the lab as PhD candidates (November 2018)

Tomas Cerdò joins the lab as a PhD visiting student from University of Granada, Granada, Spain, for 1 month (November 2018)

Congratulations to post-doctoral Researcher, Silvia Turroni, on her new job as Senior Assistant Professor (RTDB) here in the lab. She starts in October. (September 2018)

Congratulations to Sara Quercia for her PhD (April 2018)

Congratulations to departing PhD, Sara Quercia, on her new job as Researcher at Wellmicro ltd. She starts in December. (November 2017)