In order to prioritize everyone’s safety and health during the Covid-19 pandemic, the summer school took place both online and in-person. We believe this format ensured student inclusivity: students were able to decide how they preferred to participate. Classes were scheduled in the afternoon (CET) to facilitate the participation of those connecting from different time zones. Furthermore, specifically tailored activities and reading materials ensured a productive engagement. Students who joined in person benefitted from informal conversations with the Università di Bologna faculty. Furthermore, all students were expected to fulfill the assigned reading requirements, actively engage in the discussions, and present their doctoral research to faculty and peers.
Each day classes were scheduled in 3-hour afternoon live sessions, featuring a theoretical and methodological lecture held by one of the faculty members, a Q&A session, and student presentations accompanied by a discussion. In order to get better acquainted before the beginning of the school, a kick-off online meeting was held.
June 24th, 4-6 CEST, via Zoom only
(a detailed schedule is available as a downloadable document)
Q&A and discussion with Giancarlo Lombardi (College of Staten Island) and Jonathan Mullins (The Ohio State University)
Q&A and discussion with Paola Brembilla (Università di Bologna) and Marco Pedroni (Università degli Studi di Ferrara)
Q&A and discussion with Ellen Nerenberg (Wesleyan University) and Dana Renga (The Ohio State University
Q&A and discussion with Stefania Antonioni (Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo) and Giorgio Bertellini (The University of Michigan)
Q&A and discussion with Claudio Bisoni (Università di Bologna) and Massimo Riva (Brown University)
Each afternoon, the third slot was dedicated to students' presentations. These were conceived as an opportunity to discuss research projects and exchange ideas among the participants and the faculty, in an informal and fruitful atmosphere. A collection of all the posters used during the presentations is downloadable at the bottom of this page.