New intensive course on comparative law and the challenges for a plural society and a sustainable and solidary economy

The course, which will take place from April 22 to 24, is coordinated by Silvia Bagni from the University of Bologna and Yan Guzmán Hernández from the University of Havana.

Published on 03 February 2025 | News

The Intensive Course on Comparative Law at the University of Havana aims to promote the development and growth of comparative law studies and will take place from April 22 to 24, 2025, in a hybrid format. The course is organized by Cuba Con-Para in collaboration with the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Bologna and is coordinated by Silvia Bagni, coordinator of the LUMEN Project at the University of Bologna, and Yan Guzmán Hernández.

The course is part of a training initiative within the Avenida Italia international cooperation project: Integrated Urban Redevelopment for Local Enhancement and Support for Innovative, Organic, Sustainable, Creative, and Circular Economies, funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS). The initiative, promoted by Unioncamere Piemonte, the Government of the Poder Popular of Havana, and the Municipal Assembly of the Poder Popular of Centro Habana, benefits from the scientific collaboration of the Center for Latin American Studies at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna, along with the Research and Training Group on European and Comparative Public Law (DIPEC) at the University of Siena.

The course will feature the expertise and experience of professors from the Italian school of comparative law, who, together with Cuban academics, will engage in comparative discussions on topics such as forms of the state, the relationship between the constitution and the economy, sustainable development from a Global South perspective, innovative proposals for the public and participatory management of natural resources, and models of solidarity economy.

By the end of the course, participants will have acquired fundamental knowledge for the application of the comparative legal method and will have explored, from a comparative perspective, key constitutional and private law categories, including forms of the state, economic constitutions, solidarity economy, and sustainable development, through the analysis of case studies from the Latin American continent.

Registration is open until April 11, 2025. For more information and registration, contact Yusmari Díaz Pérez: +5350555128 (WhatsApp) or via email at