Research outputs

This page collects the research outputs of the project: publications, conferences and events for the academic community, public engagement initiatives.

International Conference


From 3 to 5 September 2025, the International Conference Getting Ready for the Present: Engaging with the World and the Planet in Contemporary Dystopian and Speculative Narratives will be held in the halls of the San Giovanni in Monte Complex of the University of Bologna. The event is organised by the PRIN/2022 members of the Bologna and Turin units.


For further information on the event, we suggest you visit the event page.


To view the Call for Papers and not to miss the deadlines please visit the dedicated page


Publication in Open Access of Volume 3 No. 2 of the journal of the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures: DIVE-IN - An International Journal on Diversity and Inclusion dedicated to the topics of the research project.

Title of the volume: Before the After: Dystopian Narratives in the Present of the Catastrophe.

Edited by Paola Scrolavezza (Project PI) and Edoardo Balletta (Project member). Inside, several contributions by team members:


Conferences and events for the academic community



The first public event of the PRIN project Preparing for the Present: New Global Dystopian Imaginaries and Public Engagement will be held on 21 February 2024, thus kicking off the research work that will take place over the two-year period 2024-2025.

The opening day will take place in Bologna, and will feature two separate events held within the University.

For more information, visit the official event page.



On 24 September 2024 the first PRIN seminar Between ruins and reconstruction - Dialogue around some contemporary dystopias will be held.

The day will take place in the Sala Armi of Palazzo Malvezzi from 15:00 to 19:00.

For more information please visit the event page.

Public Engagement initiatives

Round table: “From Rome to Tokyo. The Imagined City, between Utopias, Dystopias and Ruins” - University of Tokyo

On May 25, 2024, the panel discussion From Rome to Tokyo. The Imagined City, between Utopias, Dystopias and Ruins was held, with two papers on the theme of dystopias and urban spaces given by PRIN members Prof. Paola Scrolavezza (P.I.) and Giulia Colelli (PhD Candidate).

Round table: ‘Beyond the ruins: futuristic spaces in urban dystopias beyond Japan’ event within NipPop 2024: Words and Shapes from Tokyo to Bologna - Cityscapes/Cityescapes.

On 16 June 2024 at the DAMSLab Auditorium from 14:30 to 16:00 the members of the PRIN/2022 meet the Bologna audience for a round table on some examples of urban dystopias.

Participants: Giulia Colelli, Marta Olivi, Gino Scatasta, Rita Monticelli - moderated by Paola Scrolavezza.


Between dystopias and posthuman creatures: Meeting with writer Oyamada Hiroko

On September 19, 2024, writer Oyamada Hiroko meets with the Turin public to present her works.
Event organized by the Turin unit of PRIN/2022.


Meeting with the author Oyamada Hiroko: Conjugal dystopias in contemporary Japan.

On 23 September 2024 the author Oyamada Hiroko will meet the Bologna public to present her works.

The event will take place at the Amilcar Cabral Library.

For more information, please visit the event page.


European Researchers' Night 2024: “New Global Dystopian Imaginaries and Where to Find Them”

On September 27, 2024, various members of the PRIN/2022 Project will present research outputs during the European Researchers' Night.

The evening will take place in Scaravilli Square from 6 p.m.

For more information please visit the event page.


Seminar “Is there Space for Us? Queer Bodies in Dystopian Literature"

A seminar given by PRIN/2022 member Dr. Anna Specchio on queer corporeality in Japanese dystopian literature was held at Hosei University in Tokyo on October 21, 2024. Event organized by the Turin unit of the project. 


Round table "Matters of Agency: Origins and Representation of Catastrophe in Contemporary Dystopias"

On November, 12th 2024 at Aula I in Palazzo Poggi from 16:00 to 16:00 the members of the PRIN/2022 will meet the citizens of Bologna for a round table on the origins and representation of catastrophe, with a special focus on human, non-human and posthuman agency.

For more information, please visit the event page.


Seminar “Murakami Haruki's Postmodern Dystopias: from Hardboiled Wonderland to the City and its Uncertain Walls”

On Nov. 22, 2024, a seminar by Professor Rebecca Suter (Oslo University) will be held in Lecture Hall S6 of the Aldo Moro Complex at the University of Turin, Italy, exploring the theme of dystopias in Murakami Haruki's production. Event organized by the Turin unit of PRIN/2022.