
Seminars, lectures, workshops and presentations organized by the Institute of Advanced Studies.

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21 FEBRUARY 2023


La trasmissione del sapere - Anna Soci e Paola Monari intervistate da Costantino Marmo

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna

Ciclo di incontri: Universitas. I valori Fondanti raccontati dalle protagoniste

07 FEBRUARY 2023


How the Law Shapes our Beliefs

In presence and online event

Does the law influence our personal moral compass?

31 JANUARY 2023


L'impegno civico e la solidarietà - Vera Negri Zamagni e Valeria Paola Babini intervistate da Francesco Citti

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna

Ciclo di incontri: Universitas. I valori Fondanti raccontati dalle protagoniste

17 JANUARY 2023


The mind’s golden cage and the cognition in the wild

In presence and online event

How mainstream approaches can be extended to everyday cognition?

20 DECEMBER 2022


Monuments Destroyed, Memories Erased, Revisionisms of WWII, Socialism, and the Wars of the 1990s in the Post-Yugoslav Space

In presence and online event

Tangible and Intangible Memory as Activism in Post-Yugoslav Art and Film

13 DECEMBER 2022


Una scienza senza segreti - Maria Paola Landini e Luisa Cifarelli intervistate da Costantino Marmo

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna

Ciclo di incontri: Universitas. I valori Fondanti raccontati dalle protagoniste

06 DECEMBER 2022


Echoes of Sounds and Radio

In presence and online event

From Marconi’s experiments to current 5G, an overview of the developed electromagnetic sounders

22 NOVEMBER 2022


Beyond Certainty. Expertise and Public Policy in World Society

Online event

How can we trace the mechanisms leading to the dialectical dynamics between ‘silent politics’ and ‘open politics’?

15 NOVEMBER 2022


Going beyond structural imaging: using advanced MRI to inform on metabolism and function in health and disease

In presence and online event

How is it possible to make up for the limitations of the conventional MRI and assess real time metabolic fluxes?

08 NOVEMBER 2022


Natural Philosophy between ancient sources and empirical investigation

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

Collectionism from Conrad Gessner to Daniel Sennert

28 OCTOBER 2022


Eloquence of the Face in the Middle Ages. Rhetoric and Politics in an Interdisciplinary Perspective

Aula Mansarda - Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica FICLIT, Via Zamboni 32 - In presence and online event

25 OCTOBER 2022


Wired on Steroids: Sexual Differentiation of the Brain and Its Role in the Expression of Sexual Partner Preferences

In presence and online event

How can genetic phenomena and embryonic endocrine exert influence on the determination of sexual orientation?