
Seminars, lectures, workshops and presentations organized by the Institute of Advanced Studies or by recipient of ISA topic grants and ISA fellowship.

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16 APRIL 2024


What’s ancient about ancient philosophy?

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

"Nothing is antiquated”. “Everything is antiquated”. “Something is antiquated".

09 APRIL 2024


The rise of machine learning in structural biology and molecular engineering

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

Challenges in predicting protein’s molecular structure to improve therapeutic intervention

12 MARCH 2024


Exploring intangible realities using virtual reality: from molecules to numadelics

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

Toward new horizons in scientific research

27 FEBRUARY 2024


Mafia Dynasties: criminal families, from Calabria to the other side of the world

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

How 'ndrangheta went global

20 FEBRUARY 2024


Move Over, Mona Lisa. Move Over, Jane Eyre: DeCentering the World’s Universities, Museums, and Libraries

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

Imbalances in the global circulation of literary and artworks for artists and writers

13 FEBRUARY 2024

"Vetrina della ricerca"

Online on Teams - Online event

3 PM – 5 PM

05 DECEMBER 2023


From cell to forest: how wood anatomy holds the key to understand plant response to environmental changes

Institute of Advanced Studies - Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

Exploring Wood Anatomy's Role in Understanding Plant Response to Climate Change

28 NOVEMBER 2023


A Politics of Radical Care: Writing Women into the History of the Egyptian Human Rights Movement

Institute of Advanced Studies - Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

Rediscovering Women's Contributions in the Egyptian Human Rights Movement

21 NOVEMBER 2023


A silent global crisis: the demise of springs, hotspots of biocultural diversity

Istituto di Studi Avanzati, Sala Rossa (Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna) - In presence and online event

Springs neglect in developed nations and proposal of measures needed to improve scientific knowledge and protection

14 NOVEMBER 2023


A partial mediator: Petrus Alfonsi between Jewish tradition, Islamic science and Christian faith

Institute of Advanced Studies - Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna

A Bridge Between Religions and Cultures in Medieval Europe

07 NOVEMBER 2023


(Re)Discovering that Work Can Be Dangerous to Your Health: The Revival of the Occupational Health Movement, 1960-2000

Institute of Advanced Studies - Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

Exploring the Occupational Health Movement from 1960 to 2000

07 NOVEMBER 2023


Uncovering structural innovation in Greek architecture: New discoveries on Samothrace and new analytical approaches

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

ISA Lecture by Samuel Holzman