This section contains useful resources for professionals conducting or participating in a hearing with a foreign-speaking minor through an interpreter. You will find practical recommendations on how to work efficiently with an interpreter. The four downloadable documents in the section on the right contain in-depth information on the general issues that can arise and provide concrete solutions for the three key stages of an interview with a child and an interpreter: before, during and after.

The information and suggestions contained in the documents are the result of research based on real-life experiences involving minors - the most vulnerable actors in these contexts - whose opinions and rights are often overlooked or not taken into consideration. The normative texts mentioned and bibliographical references can be found in the document "ChiLLS Bibliographic Selection" (downloadable from the "Publications" section).

Hearing a child with an interpreter: legal foundations

Child-friendly justice: respect, not overprotection

The right to information and expression

Who is a trust person?

Language matters

Communicating via an interpreter


Before the interview

Recruiting the right interpreter

The right interpreting mode

Background information and materials

Briefing the interpreter


During the interview

Needs of the child

Rules of the game

Seating arrangements

Building trust

Non-verbal communication


Critical situations


After the interview

Why debriefing is important and how you do it