Public deliverables

  • D1.1 Market need analysis

    [ .pdf 2195Kb ]

    Report stating the current EV market demand for e-powertrain units. The report will consider technical needs as well as economic requirements and regulations boundary conditions. Associated to tasks 1.1, 4.1 and 4.2

  • D1.3 Validation plan

    [ .pdf 2526Kb ]

    A validation plan which includes a test matrix describing the test to be performed to assess the predefined requirements. Associated to task 1.3

  • D2.4 Analysis and validation of machine insulation for 800V DC bus

    [ .pdf 3484Kb ]

    The report will describe the performance of an innovative slot molding (a replacement for liners with improved thermal conductivity) and the final decision about the insulation system to be used in the HEFT machine. Associated to task 2.4

  • D3.1 Modular, high-efficient and cost-oriented 800V powertrain architecture

    [ .pdf 11627Kb ]

    Definition of the modular, high-efficient and cost-oriented 800V powertrain architecture. Associated to task 3.1

  • D3.2 Improved SiC-based high voltage drive control

    [ .pdf 4108Kb ]

    Improved SiC-based high voltage drive control to reduce powertrain losses and improve EV range. Associated to task 3.2

  • D4.1 Electromagnetic and performance Design report of motor for class A+B vehicle

    [ .pdf 4037Kb ]

    Design of eMotor active part for class A+B vehicle. Design to minimize magnet volume and reducing iron losses, based on recycled NdFeB and /or NdCeFeB magnets. Report showing the design process of the rotor. The report should include study of the most convenient rotor topology using recycled NdFeB or NdCeFeB magnets with the use of high strength over moulded epoxy. In addition, it should include the resistance of the rotor to demagnetisation and the incorporation on the rotor of the appropriate cooling circuit. The report should include the optimisation process to reduce iron and magnet losses and improve efficiency over the WLTP driving cycle. Associated to task 4.1

  • D7.1 Initial plan for use and dissemination of foreground

    [ .pdf 1471Kb ]

    A tentative plan describing the type and timing of dissemination activities. The plan will be updated based on contingencies or opportunities. Associated to task 7.2.

Journal papers

Conference papers

  • 13th EDPC

    Garramiola Fernando, Marjiuan Marta, Martinez Iago
    A comparison between continuous and hairpin windings for electric traction drives
    13th International Electric Drives Production Conference (EDPC). Pp. 1-8. Regensburg (Germany), 29-30 November, 2023 

  • LCE 2024

    Fatemeh Taheria, Giovanna Sauvea, Karel Van Acker
    Circular economy strategies for permanent magnet motors in electric vehicles: Application of SWOT
    31st CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE 2024)
    June, 19/21 2024 - Turin - Italy

  • Flanders MAKE

    [ .pdf 814Kb ]

    "Addressing Criticality for Rare Earth Elements in Permanent Magnets Supply Chain: A Focus on the EV sector" Fatemeh Taheri, Karel Van Acker

  • 32nd CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE 2025)

    "Sustainable Supply of Rare Earth Elements: Recycling Permanent Magnets from End-of-Life Electric Vehicles in the EU", Fatemeh Taheria, Karel Van Acker

  • SAE WCX 2025

    "European Initiatives addressing high efficiency and low-cost electric motors for circularity and low use of rare resources", Authors from e-Volve cluster, Detroit, Michigan, April 8-10, 2025

  • 18th Belgian Environmental Economics Day 2025

    Fatemeh Taheri, Karel Van Acker.
    Sustainable Supply of Rare Earth Elements: Recycling Permanent Magnets from End-of-Life Electric Vehicles in the EU.
    18th Belgian Environmental Economics Day 2025, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. February 7th, 2025

  • Flanders Make Scientific Conference for Machines, Vehicles and Production 2025

    Fatemeh Taheri, Karel Van Acker.
    Quantifying the Performance of Circular Economy Strategies for E-Motors: Reuse, Repair, and Recycling.
    Flanders Make Scientific Conference for Machines, Vehicles and Production.
    Leuven, Belgium. February 6th, 2025.


  • EGVIAfor2Zero

    [ .pdf 21246Kb ]

    HEFT presentation made by KUL at EGVIAfor2Zero General Assembly, November 19, 2024