Important deadlines

Deadlines before the starting date of the programme

1. Opening of applications:
December 2, 2024 - h 11:00 am CET
2. Closing date for applications:
March 3, 2025 - h 11:00 am CET
3. Online assessment test (mandatory)
March 10 - 11- 12, 2025 - h 11:00 am CET
4. Publication of the outcome (eligibility/admission and Erasmus Mundus scholarship awarding):
April 7, 2025
5. Confirmation of Acceptance (Pre-enrolment):
April 7-16, 2025
6. Admission and acceptance of vacant places: 
April 17-21, 2025
7. Matriculation at UNIBO (with possible scrolling of the waiting list):
May 5 – July 13, 2025
8. Late matriculation for any students on the waiting list:
July 14-21, 2025
9. Kick off meeting at UNIBO and appointment with the office to show the originals of the documents required to finalise the matriculation:
September 1-7, 2025
10. Programme Start:
September 15-October 1, 2025

Admission requirements

About GrEnFIn EMJM admission

Admission will be granted based on a limited number of spots, set at 33 for the 2025-26 academic year, with an equitable distribution of 11 spots for each track. Any exceptions to this limit will be assessed by the Admission Board, considering specific qualifications of candidates in relation to the sustainability of the programme for the partner HEIs.

This notice is addressed to all candidates coming from EU and NON-EU countries (Member States of the European Union, Third countries associated to the programme and Third countries not associated to the programme) who, being in possession of the admission requirements, intend to enrol in the GrEnFIn-EMJM.

Candidates who are about to graduate may also apply. They will be evaluated, and they may possibly matriculate for the GrEnFIn-EMJM provided they obtain their undergraduate degree by and no later than July 13, 2025. Candidates who do not meet this requirement will not be able to complete the matriculation to the GrEnFIn-EMJM and any registration will be cancelled. Any vacant places will be allocated to students on the waiting list.

In order to be admitted to the GrEnFIn-EMJM you must possess:
1. the required academic qualification (see point 1);
2. specific curricular requirements (see point 2);
3. specific language requirements (see point 3);
4. adequate personal training, verified according to the criteria laid down by the programme (see point 4).

1. Qualifications 

- First cycle academic qualification: three-year university diploma or degree
Candidates who are about to graduate may also apply. They will be evaluated, and they may possibly matriculate for the GrEnFIn-EMJM provided they obtain their undergraduate degree by and no later than July 13, 2025. 

What happens if you do not have the necessary qualification?
If you do not have the necessary academic qualification and do not fall under the cases dealt in "Information for graduating students", you will not be able to register for the GrEnFIn-EMJM.

2. Curricular requirements

In order to be eligible for the GrEnFIn-EMJM, candidates must have a Bachelor’s degree in one of the following fields:
Mathematics, Physics, Economics, Statistical Sciences, Information Technology, Engineering.
Candidates holding an Italian qualification must have obtained the Bachelor’s degree in one of the following classes or possess another qualification obtained abroad recognized as suitable:
- ex. Italian Ministerial Decree n. 270/04: L 7 Civil and Environmental Engineering, L 8 Information Technology Engineering, L 9 Industrial Engineering, L 18 Business Administration, L 30 Physics, L 31 Computer Science, L 33 Economics, L 35 Mathematics, L 41 Statistics.
- ex. Italian Ministerial Decree n. 509/99: classe 8 (Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale), classe 9 (Ingegneria dell'informazione), classe 10 (Ingegneria industriale), classe 17 (Scienze dell'economia e della gestione aziendale), classe 25 (Scienze e Tecnologie Fisiche), classe 26 (Scienze e Tecnologie Informatiche), classe 28 (Scienze Economiche), classe 32 (Scienze Matematiche), classe 37 (Scienze Statistiche).
- Previous four-year degree programme system: degree in Mathematics, Physics, Economics, Statistical Sciences, Information Technology, Engineering.

In any case, the eligibility to the GrEnFIn-EMJM depends on the assessment of qualifications by the Admission Board. The assessment is made on the basis of the curriculum vitae and the criteria specified below.

What happens if you do not meet the curricular requirements?
If you do not meet all the curricular requirements indicated, they will not be able to register for the programme.

3. Language requirements
English language
skills are required to at least CEFR level B2. 

The English language requirement is fulfilled during the application phase, either through:

  • Submission of a suitable certificate. The list of recognized certificates is published at the following link: GrEnFIn-EnglishLanguageCertificates.pdf
  • Submission of a self-certification stating that the candidate is a native English speaker.

4. Adequate personal training
Eligibility to the GrEnFIn-EMJM is in any case subject not only to possession of the curricular requirements indicated above, but also to verification of adequate personal training, carried out as indicated below.

How the adequacy of personal training is verified?
a. Academic merit (duration and quality of degree course attended as well as to the final graduation score obtained, all certified by the transcript).
The Admission Board will examine the documentation submitted in the application phase: max 50 points
b. Curriculum vitae, non-academic and working experience. The Admission Board will examine the documentation submitted in the application phase: max 20 points
c. To prove the adequacy of your personal training, you will also have to take the EMJM GrEnFIn online assessment test* which will be held in one of the following three dates: on March 10 - 11- 12, 2025 (h 11:00 am CET).
Before the date of the test, candidates will be sent the necessary information they will need to access it: a 30-minute test of 20 multiple-choice questions for the assessing of basic knowledge of Mathematics, Statistics, Economics and Finance. It will be administered online at
Each correct answer in the test is worth 1.5 points, each wrong or not given answer is worth 0 points: max 30 points
* Taking the test is mandatory; therefore, candidates who do not attend the test will be automatically excluded from the evaluation.

What happens if my personal training does not meet the adequacy criteria?
Only candidates who reach a minimum of 60 points will be considered eligible. Therefore, if you obtain a score of less than 60 points, your training will be deemed unsuitable, and you will not be able to register for the programme.
Eligible students are not deemed to be admitted to the course if they do not qualify for the places available.




How to apply

How to apply for GrEnFIn-EMJM

Within the period set for the GrEnFIn-EMJM intake  you can apply by following the steps below.
1. Log on to Studenti Online (
If you are accessing for the first time, choose 'Register' and log in with SPID or CIE. The system will automatically retrieve your personal details and create your University credentials (

If you do not have an identity document issued in Italy you may log on with the University username and password, which can be obtained by going to Studenti Online ( and clicking on “Register” and then “International students registration”.

2. Click on "Apply for admission", select "Second Cycle Degree Programme". You may apply for up to two of the three tracks named:

3. Upload the following documents in PDF for each of the trucks you are applying for:

  • Front and back copy of a valid identity document.
    If you are a citizen of a foreign country and your identity document does not have an English translation: copy of your passport.
  • Copy of the qualification obtained.
    If the qualification is obtained in Italy: self-certification of the first-level academic qualification with a list of examinations taken.If you have not yet obtained the qualification, upload the list of exams taken.
    If the qualification is not obtained in Italy: a copy of the qualification not obtained in Italy, translated into Italian or English, allowing access in the country of attainment to Second Cycle Degree Programmes, accompanied by a transcript of records and Diploma Supplement where available.
    If you have not yet obtained the qualification, upload the list of exams taken (Transcript of Records).
  • Proof of B2 level of knowledge of the English language.
  • Curriculum Vitae in English


  • Reference letter (it is possible to request one letter from referring academics. To do this, the candidate will have to indicate, in the specific section of the online application form (view “reference letter”), the email address of the university professor or researcher to whom you have requested the reference. This teacher/researcher will receive an email with the link to upload his/her letter of reference, in pdf format. The link is personal and cannot be used by more than one teacher/researcher.
  • Statement of purpose in English.
  • A copy of a valid residence permit, if already held.
  • Form for requesting adaptations for persons with disabilities. Further information is available at

The committee will only assess documents uploaded through the Studenti Online application (

Any mandatory documents that are missing or only partially uploaded by the application deadline shall result in the candidate not being considered.
Documents must not be sent by post or email to the administrative offices.
In the event of false declarations, in addition to incurring the penalties laid down in Article 496 of the Italian Criminal Code, you will automatically forfeit your right to registration and any benefits obtained, without being entitled to any reimbursement of the sums paid.

If you are a non-EU citizen, in compliance with the procedures defined by the Italian Ministry of University and Research in the Circular "Procedures for entry, residency and enrolment of international students and the respective recognition of qualifications for higher education courses in Italy" for A.Y. 2025/2026 published on, in addition to following the steps required for admission to the degree programme, you will have to pre-enrol on Universitaly portal and request an entrance Visa for study purposes.

Outcome of the checks

Outcome of the checks

The outcome of your application will be published on Studenti Online ( and sent to your institutional email address (, as from the date indicated in the section "Deadlines". You will be invited to accept the place following a pre-enrolment procedure within two weeks.
The outcome will be either
"application verified": in this case you can register for the programme;
"not admitted to the selection": in this case you cannot register for the programme.

Admitted students will be promptly informed about the requirement to hold a valid Visa or residence permit, in accordance with the mobility plan for their assigned track. This will ensure compliance with the immigration regulations in force in the country where they will be undertaking their mobility.

As the Admission Board has evaluated the candidates, the allocation of scholarships will be based on a single ranking that involves all three tracks to enhance the merit of admitted candidates regardless of their pathway preferences. The scholarships will be given separately to EU Member States and Third countries associated to the program as well as Third countries not associated to the program and NDICI countries. Geographical balance is required by the Erasmus Mundus rules so no more than 10% of the total number of scholarships will be awarded to candidates from the same nationality (unless they come from targeted regions of the world). Students will be notified about the scholarship attribution starting from the date specified in the Schedule of Procedures (see Section 2).

Students will be invited to accept the scholarship along with their place within the same timeframe as the pre-enrollment notification.



All admitted students (EMJM scholarship-holders or not) who have accepted the place through the pre-enrollment procedure must finally matriculate at UNIBO
All non-scholarship holders must also proceed with the payment of student participation costs upon enrolment at UNIBO.
All admitted students will also be required to matriculate/register at the higher education institutions included in the specific mobility plan for their track, fulfilling all local administrative obligations.

From May 5 to July 13, 2025 (with possible scrolling of the waiting list) students will have to matriculate at UNIBO via Studenti Online ( Later on, from July 14, 2025 any vacant places will be assigned to students in the waiting list who will be invited to finalize their late enrollment by July 21, 2025.

Students should complete the following steps:

  1. Log on to Studenti Online ( using your SPID or CIE credentials or entering the username and password you obtained during the application procedure.
  2. Select "Matriculation”, then select “Second Cyle Degree Programme”, and then the degree programme “Greening Energy Market and Finance”. Then, enter the required data, attaching a jpg file containing a passport-size photo of your face. 
    In the event of false declarations, in addition to incurring the penalties laid down in Article 496 of the Italian Criminal Code, you will automatically forfeit your right to registration and any benefits obtained, without being entitled to any reimbursement of the sums paid.
  3. Pay the first enrolment instalment via the PagoPA platform, as indicated on Studenti Online (
  4. After you have made your matriculation payment, check under Matriculation on Studenti Online ( what you need to do for the purposes of identification and career activation.

University identification and career activation


  • If you submitted your application by logging in with SPID or CIE: after making the payment, your identity will be automatically validated.
  • If you have submitted your application by logging in with your username and password: complete the identification procedure specified under Matriculation on Studenti Online (

Career activation

Activating your career enables you to take part in all the activities you will carry out as a student (e.g. submitting your study plan, booking exams, carrying out any other procedures related to your career, accessing the Wi-Fi network and online library resources, and using the MyUnibo app).

After identification, career activation will take place automatically, unless you fall into one of the following cases.

If you have not yet graduated at the time of matriculating

You must obtain your degree by 13 July 2025 at the latest. Otherwise, your matriculation will be cancelled.

If you are graduating from the University of Bologna, the system will automatically update your position once you obtain your degree.

If you are graduating from another university, after matriculating please check on Studenti Online ( for any further steps required.

If you are a non-EU national, are resident abroad and have obtained your qualification abroad

See details at Check the foreign qualification documentation required to matriculate.

Remember that the documentation submitted in your application for admission (e.g. degree, transcript, etc.) must be translated and its authenticity and value must be verified, where required.

In the “Calls” section of Studenti Online (, select “Matriculation A.Y. 25_26 - document upload for international students with foreign qualifications” and upload your qualification diploma and a copy of your entry Visa for study purposes. When you arrive in Italy, during the Kick off meeting held in Bologna, an appointment with the International Student Administration Office will be made in order to show the original copies of your documentation

Warning: if you have a foreign qualification, admission to the programme and any subsequent validation of your pre-enrolment with or without reserve by the University do not confer any right to finalise your matriculation, even in the event of obtaining an entry Visa, being physical present in the country, becoming eligible for and/or actually receiving scholarships or contributions of any kind.

For matriculation purposes, it will be necessary to verify the actual suitability of the foreign qualification, and the authenticity of the documentation produced.

Your qualification will be formally checked by the International Student Administration Office in Bologna after paying the first matriculation instalment (for non-EM scholarship holders) and submitting the original copies of all the required documentation.

During the Kick-off meeting held in Bologna

During the Kick-off meeting held in Bologna at the beginning of September, all admitted students will have the opportunity to meet with the faculty members responsible for the various tracks and to learn about all the opportunities offered by the program, as well as the flexibility and customization options available in their academic journey. Additionally, students will receive support in completing the administrative procedures necessary for finalizing their enrollment, in compliance with EU and any local requirements.

Once the students’ career is active, they will be sent an e-mail with a QR code allowing them to print their badge.

Program and Partner countries

EMJM rules


- Member States of the European Union (EU):

27 EU countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden.

- Third countries associated to the programme:

Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, Turkey, Serbia.


Third countries not associated to the programme:

all other countries.