Main objectives
COMPULAW aims to translate legal contents (legal norms, legal values, and institutions), and processes (application, interpretation, enforcement of the law) into specifications for computational systems, and computable representations of legal knowledge and reasoning.
Achieving this goal requires a highly interdisciplinary perspective, relaying the combination of three disciplinary domains: a social-legal cluster, a philosophical-logical cluster, and a computing-AI cluster. On this basis, the project will adopt a socio-technical perspective in addressing legal issues, and it will enrich the legal and regulatory toolbox with cognitive, logical, and computational models of the law. It will address the following: (a) legal frameworks for developers, deployers and users; (b) languages and methods for computable laws; and (c) architectures for law-responsive computational entities.
COMPULAW involves not only law, legal theory and legal informatics, but also research domains such as software engineering, artificial intelligence, multiagent systems and electronic institutions, deontic logic and computational argumentation. It will contribute to
- formal languages for legal requirements,
- agent architectures providing capabilities to comply with norms,
- norm-based coordination mechanisms for agent societies, and
- computable patterns of justification/ argumentation to enable agents to check the correctness of their and others’ behaviour and to explain and justify it according to applicable norms
Find more about CompuLaw Project Articulation and the Kick-off meeting held to launch the project.