
Study of new therapeutic targets constituted by leukocyte and RGD integrins not yet adequately explored in the context of peripheral and central inflammatory processes, and in tumoral processes; pharmacological characterization of new ligands for such integrins and analysis of their contribution to the modulation of inflammation, tumorigenesis, and nociception in suitable experimental models.


Pharmacological characterization of new ligands of opioid receptors and analysis of the molecular and cellular effects of agonists/antagonists/allosteric modulators of such receptors to develop innovative treatments for pain, addiction, psychiatric disorders; molecular pathway analysis of the effects of opioid analgesics and innovative ligands within the framework of Quantitative Systems Pharmacology approaches.

Neuroglial interactions in neuroinflammation/neurodegeneration

Study of the effects of proinflammatory or neurotoxic agents on neuroglial interactions at the level of intracellular signal transduction, modulation of gene expression, involvement of the transcription factor REST; identification/validation of new pharmacological targets in the context of neuroinflammation/neurodegeneration using RNAi techniques.

Study of the anti-inflammatory effect of bacterial toxins (CNF1) on animal models of neuroinflammation and on cerebrospinal fluid from patients with cognitive deficits-Alzheimer's Disease.

Animal models of neonatal stress

Use of antisense oligonucleotides directed against Proopiomelanocortin in the prevention of neonatal stress to prevent dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the consequent metabolic syndrome in adulthood

Available positions and internship opportunities

In relation to the current project of our research group, positions to carry out the internship for the experimental thesis are available for students of the following courses: Biotecnologie (two people each year), Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (2 people each year), Farmacia (two to three people each year).