Fernanda Odilla presents her paper on bots against corruption at the conference hosted by the Center for Artificial Intelligence at the University of São Paulo (C4AI-USP) on 13-14 December 2021.
Published on 10 December 2021
Believing that the AI community needs to position itself in the face of the recent weakening of the basic components that sustain life in democratic societies, the Center for Artificial Intelligence (C4AI) at the University of São Paulo is hosting the international conference “Artificial Intelligence: Democracy and Social Impacts”. One of the 12 selected papers to be presented is an article part of the BIT-ACT research.
Titled “Bots against corruption: Exploring benefits and limitations of AI-based anti-corruption technology”, the article discusses the most common features, uses, and constraints of AI-based initiatives that are already in use, operating as anti-corruption and pro-accountability tools.
The article is authored by the BIT-ACT research fellow Fernanda Odilla who mapped 27 top-down and bottom-up initiatives in Brazil, used as a case study to discuss the use of AI anti-corruption tools.
The event will be online on 13-14 December and the programme can be accessed here. It is open and free of charge. Register here.