Ester Sigillò presents a paper titled "The transformation of the Hirak movement between constraints and new opportunities" at the SISP Conference 2022

35th Annual Conference Società Italiana di Scienza Politica, 8-10 September, Rome

Published on 08 September 2022

The BIT-ACT research fellow Ester Sigillò will present her recent research work on the Hirak movement in the panel"Social Movements and Collective Actions Out of Europe" during the SISP Conference 2022. The paper explores the challenges of civil society actors in overcoming the autocratic restrictions of national authorities, focusing on the role of digital media and the support of transnational solidarity networks. Overall, drawing on social movement literature on transnational activism, the paper contributes to a broader investigation of the impact of global challenges on the reconfiguration of domestic power relations from a theoretical and empirical perspective.